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- 4026 discussions
Has anyone gotten a WPC11 ver 3 wireless card to work in suse 9.1?
YaST detects the card, however I cannot get it to use WEP correctly
and since both WPI and my home network require it, I'm outta luck
right now. Any help with this would be much appreciated.
Chuck Haines
Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity
WPI Class of 2005
AIM: CyberGrex
YIM: CyberGrex_27
ICQ: 3707881
----- Forwarded message from James Morris <jmorris(a)redhat.com> -----
From: James Morris <jmorris(a)redhat.com>
To: selinux(a)tycho.nsa.gov
Cc: fedora-selinux-list(a)redhat.com
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2004 21:48:49 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Linux Journal Article
Message-ID: <Xine.LNX.4.44.0411122147260.7482-100000(a)thoron.boston.redhat.com>
Reply-To: "Fedora SELinux support list for users & developers." <fedora-selinux-list(a)redhat.com>
What's New in Fedora Core 3 SE Linux
By Faye Coker
James Morris
fedora-selinux-list mailing list
----- End forwarded message -----
I won't be able to make it to the meeting because 'm not sure what day
"Thursdayday" is... :-)
Also the link at the bottom to St IgnuCIUS is broken...
Hello All,
I am doing some networking for an opening I have in northern MA/southern NH.
I currently need the following:
Sr. level engineer with extensive experience with Linux to work with their
application software development team. My client is simulating multiple
embedded cards using User Mode Linux (UML) sessions for each processor.
Experience with:
-User Mode Linux (a must)
-Networking experience (a must)
-Embedded and host Linux
-Writing device drivers under Linux a strong plus
-C/C++ programming
If you are interested and qualified for this role, please call me or send me
an email with your resume so I can contact you with the details. I will not
send your resume anywhere without talking to you first.
John Spencer
(978) 256-1113 ext 108
jspencer @ optimaleng.com
"Your Optimal partner for real-time, embedded and systems development
John Spencer
(978) 256-1113 ext 108
"Your Optimal partner for real-time, embedded and systems development
Hash: SHA1
Hi Everyone,
We'll be having our next WLUG meeting on Thursday, November 11th at 7:00 PM in
the usual place.
Chuck Anderson is going to talk to us rather informally (a la the Gentoo
meeting) about what is new and different in Fedora Core 3. He'll also have a
PC or two for a live demo.
Coming in December:
Our guest speaker at the December 15th meeting will be Jon 'maddog' Hall. If
you never come to another WLUG meeting, be sure you make it to this meeting!
maddog is a fantastic speaker that you don't want to miss. He has spoken at
several WLUG meetings in the past and the feedback has been universally
positive. Please see the WLUG website for more details about maddog's talk.
Starting in January 2005:
It looks like our meeting location will be used for a class on Wednesday
evening. It may be possible for us to find another location on campus for
our Wednesday meetings. Another possibility is to have occasional meetings
on Monday evening. Right now, we alternate between Wednesday and Thursday
evening. I know that if we changed to Mon/Thurs meeting nights, some folks
would like it and others would not. There's really no way to make everybody
happy here, except perhaps to find another campus location for Wednesday
evening meetings. Stay tuned...nothing is definite yet.
- --
Andy Stewart, Founder
Worcester Linux Users' Group
Worcester, MA USA
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)
Hi Folks,
I have both Linux and WXP on my home machine and do remote maintenance on a
Linux gateway.
The linux gateway is configured for doing IPSEC as well as SSH. Some time in
the past few months, SSH has ceased to work between both WXP and Linux on my
system and the remote gateway. I have not changed anything on either end, as
far as I can remember. What's strange is that I can setup an IPSEC tunnel to
the gateway, and do SSH to the gateway from the local subnet (my IPSEC IP is and I can SSH to
If anyone has any suggestions on how to debug this, I'm all ears.
On Mon, Nov 08, 2004 at 12:32:40PM -0500, Charles R. Anderson wrote:
> If anyone wants FC3, you can get it here:
> http://download.wpi.edu/pub/linux/distributions/fedora/linux/core/3/
Just downloaded the FC3 ISO's from above. In an effort to pay it
forward a few of you can now download them from:
discs 2 and 3 are coming.
See the Release Notes in the previous email
Linux/Open Source. Your base belongs to you, free, forever.
Idealism: "Realism applied over a longer time period"
"Last one into space is a rotten egg!"
<a href=http://kinz.org>http://kinz.org</a>
Jeff Kinz, Emergent Research, Hudson, MA.
Can anyone point me in the right direction for configuring my nvidia
card to use the digital output? I just unboxed an LCD monitor, and
I'd like to try the digital video. Is it just a reboot?
Should I expect much (any?) difference.

Nov. 8, 2004
If anyone wants FC3, you can get it here:
Release Notes below:
----- Forwarded message from Bill Nottingham <notting(a)redhat.com> -----
From: Bill Nottingham <notting(a)redhat.com>
To: mirror-list(a)redhat.com
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2004 11:13:22 -0500
Subject: Announcing the release of Fedora Core 3
Message-ID: <20041108161322.GA18989(a)nostromo.devel.redhat.com>
Precedence: junk
Reply-To: mirror-list-d(a)redhat.com, fedora-list(a)redhat.com
The Fedora Project and Red Hat would like to announce the third release of
Fedora Core.
Fedora Core 3 is a general purpose Linux operating system, available for x86
and x86-64 processors. Fedora Core 3, includes:
- the 2.6.9 Linux kernel
- Xorg 6.8.1
- GNOME 2.8
- KDE 3.3.0
- GCC 3.4
- SELinux
The Fedora Project would like to thank the thousands of community members whose
testing and contributions have raised the bar of quality and made this release
What is the Fedora Project?
The Fedora Project is a Red Hat-sponsored and community-supported open
source project that promotes rapid development of innovative open source
software through a collaborative, community effort. Fedora Core 3
provides a complete Linux platform built exclusively from open source
software. Available at no cost, the release serves the needs of
community developers, testers, and other technology enthusiasts who wish
to participate in and accelerate the technology development process.
As a community forum for advanced development, the Fedora Project
provides early visibility to the latest open source technology and
serves as a proving ground for technology that may eventually make its
way into Red Hat's fully-supported commercial solutions such as Red Hat
Enterprise Linux. Red Hat contributes development resources, editorial
direction and management to the Fedora Project.
For more information, see http://fedora.redhat.com/
How Can I Get Fedora Core 3?
Fedora Core 3 x86 or x86-64 Downloads are available from:
http://fedora.redhat.com/download/ or from the network of
mirrors in the Fedora Project distribution system. Users may
prefer to download Fedora Core via BitTorrent, or via older
file retrieval protocols such as HTTP, FTP, or RSYNC.
BitTorrent typically provides faster download speeds than
BitTorrent RPMS for Red Hat Linux and Fedora Core
are available with detailed instructions at
From Red Hat:
Via BitTorrent:
See http://torrent.linux.duke.edu/ or http://sunsite.mff.cuni.cz/fedora-torrent/
for other forms.
Via HTTP/FTP/RSYNC from mirrors:
* North America:
* USA:
* ftp://fedora.cat.pdx.edu/linux/core/3
* http://fedora.cat.pdx.edu/linux/core/3
* rsync://fedora.cat.pdx.edu/fedora-linux-core/3
* ftp://mirror.stanford.edu/pub/mirrors/fedora/linux/core/3
* http://mirror.stanford.edu/fedora/linux/core/3
* rsync://mirror.stanford.edu/mirrors/fedora/linux/core/3
* ftp://ftp.cse.buffalo.edu/pub/fedora/linux/core/3/
* http://mirror.hiwaay.net/redhat/fedora/linux/core/3/
* ftp://mirror.hiwaay.net/redhat/fedora/linux/core/3/
* rsync://mirror.hiwaay.net/fedora-linux-core/3/
* ftp://ftp.ndlug.nd.edu/pub/fedora/linux/core/3
* http://ftp.ndlug.nd.edu/pub/fedora/linux/core/3
* rsync://ftp.ndlug.nd.edu/fedora-linux-core/3
* ftp://mirrors.kernel.org/fedora/core/3
* http://mirrors.kernel.org/fedora/core/3
* rsync://mirrors.kernel.org/fedora/core/3
* http://fedora.glorb.com/core/3
* ftp://ftp.ale.org/mirrors/fedora/linux/core/3
* http://ftp.ale.org/mirrors/fedora/linux/core/3
* http://mirror.linux.duke.edu/pub/fedora/linux/core/3/
* ftp://mirror.linux.duke.edu/pub/fedora/linux/core/3/
* rsync://mirror.linux.duke.edu/fedora-linux-core/3/
* ftp://videl.ics.hawaii.edu/mirrors/fedora/linux/core/3/ -
Hawaii Only
* ftp://redhat.secsup.org/pub/linux/redhat/fedora/core/3
* http://redhat.secsup.org/fedora/core/3
* rsync://fedora.secsup.org/core/3/
* ftp://mirror.eas.muohio.edu/pub/fedora/linux/core/3
* http://www.gtlib.cc.gatech.edu/pub/fedora.redhat/linux/core/3
* ftp://ftp.gtlib.cc.gatech.edu/pub/fedora.redhat/linux/core/3
* rsync://rsync.gtlib.cc.gatech.edu/fedora-linux-core/3
* ftp://mirror.newnanutilities.org/pub/fedora/linux/core/3
* http://mirror.newnanutilities.org/pub/fedora/linux/core/3
* ftp://ftp.dc.aleron.net/pub/linux/fedora/linux/core/3/
* http://ftp.dc.aleron.net/pub/linux/fedora/linux/core/3/
* ftp://ftp.net.usf.edu/pub/fedora/linux/core/3
* Canada:
* ftp://less.cogeco.net/pub/fedora/linux/core/3/
* http://less.cogeco.net/pub/fedora/linux/core/3/
* ftp://ftp.nrc.ca/pub/systems/linux/redhat/fedora/linux/core/3/
* rsync://ftp.nrc.ca/fedora/linux/core/3/
* http://mirror.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/mirror/fedora/linux/core/3/
* ftp://mirror.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/mirror/fedora/linux/core/3/
* rsync://mirror.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/fedora/linux/core/3/
* http://gulus.USherbrooke.ca/pub/distro/fedora/linux/core/3/
* ftp://ftp.muug.mb.ca/pub/fedora/linux/core/3/
* http://www.muug.mb.ca/pub/fedora/linux/core/3/
* rsync://rsync.muug.mb.ca/fedora-linux-core/3/
* South America:
* Chile:
* ftp://ftp.tecnoera.com/pub/fedora/linux/3/
* http://ftp.tecnoera.com/pub/fedora/linux/3/
* rsync://ftp.tecnoera.com/pub/fedora/linux/3/
* ftp://mirror.netglobalis.net/pub/fedora/core/3/
* http://mirror.netglobalis.net/pub/fedora/core/3/
* Brazil:
* ftp://ftp.las.ic.unicamp.br/pub/fedora/core/3/
* http://www.las.ic.unicamp.br/pub/fedora/core/3/
* rsync://rsync.las.ic.unicamp.br/fedora-linux-core/3
* Europe:
* Austria:
* ftp://gd.tuwien.ac.at/opsys/linux/fedora/core/3/
* http://gd.tuwien.ac.at/opsys/linux/fedora/core/3/
* rsync://gd.tuwien.ac.at/opsys/linux/fedora/core/3/
* Czech Republic:
* ftp://sunsite.mff.cuni.cz/pub/fedora/3/
* http://sunsite.mff.cuni.cz/pub/fedora/3/
* rsync://sunsite.mff.cuni.cz/fedora/fedora/3/
* ftp://ftp.fi.muni.cz/pub/linux/fedora-core/3/
* rsync://ftp.fi.muni.cz/pub/linux/fedora-core/3/
* ftp://ftp6.linux.cz/pub/linux/fedora-core/3/ (IPv6)
* ftp://ftp.linux.cz/pub/linux/fedora-core/3/
* ftp://ftp1.skynet.cz/pub/linux/fedora/3/
* Denmark:
* ftp://klid.dk/fedora/linux/core/3
* http://klid.dk/homeftp/fedora/linux/core/3/
* Estonia:
* ftp://redhat.linux.ee/pub/fedora/linux/core/3/
* http://redhat.linux.ee/pub/fedora/linux/core/3/
* Finland:
* ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/mirrors/ftp.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/3/
* http://ftp.funet.fi/pub/mirrors/ftp.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/3/
* ftp://ftp.ipv6.funet.fi/pub/mirrors/ftp.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/3/
* http://ftp.ipv6.funet.fi/pub/mirrors/ftp.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/3/
* France:
* ftp://fr2.rpmfind.net/linux/fedora/core/3/
* http://fr2.rpmfind.net/linux/fedora/core/3/
* ftp://ftp.lip6.fr/pub/linux/distributions/fedora/3/
* http://ftp.lip6.fr/pub/linux/distributions/fedora/3/
* ftp://ftp.proxad.net/mirrors/fedora.redhat.com/fedora/linux/core/3/
* http://ftp.crihan.fr/mirrors/fedora.redhat.com/fedora/linux/core/3
* ftp://ftp.crihan.fr/mirrors/fedora.redhat.com/fedora/linux/core/3
* rsync://ftp.crihan.fr/mirrors/fedora.redhat.com/fedora/linux/core/3
* Germany:
* ftp://ftp.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/linux/fedora-core/3/
* http://wftp.tu-chemnitz.de/pub/linux/fedora-core/3/
* ftp://ftp-stud.fht-esslingen.de/Mirrors/fedora.redhat.com/linux/core/3/
* http://ftp-stud.fht-esslingen.de/Mirrors/fedora.redhat.com/linux/core/3/
* rsync://ftp-stud.fht-esslingen.de/fedora.redhat.com/linux/core/3
* http://download.atrpms.net/mirrors/fedoracore/3/
* ftp://ftp.informatik.uni-frankfurt.de/pub/linux/Mirror/ftp.redhat.com/fedor…
* ftp://ftp.join.uni-muenster.de/pub/linux/distributions/fedora/linux/core/3/
* http://ftp.join.uni-muenster.de/pub/linux/distributions/fedora/linux/core/3/
* rsync: ftp.join.uni-muenster.de::fedora/linux/core/3/
* ftp://ftp.stw-bonn.de/pub/mirror/fedora/linux/core/
* Greece:
* ftp://ftp.otenet.gr/pub/linux/fedora/linux/core/3/
* Ireland:
* http://ftp.esat.net/mirrors/download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/cor…
* ftp://ftp.esat.net/mirrors/download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/core…
* rsync://ftp.esat.net/mirrors/download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/co…
* ftp://ftp.heanet.ie/pub/fedora/linux/core/3/
* http://ftp.heanet.ie/pub/fedora/linux/core/3/
* rsync://ftp.heanet.ie/pub/fedora/linux/core/3/
* Netherlands:
* ftp://alviss.et.tudelft.nl/pub/fedora/core/3/
* ftp://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/os/Linux/distr/fedora/3/
* http://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/os/Linux/distr/fedora/3/
* rsync://ftp.nluug.nl/Fedora/3/
* ftp://ftp.surfnet.nl/pub/os/Linux/distr/fedora/3/
* http://ftp.surfnet.nl/pub/os/Linux/distr/fedora/3/
* rsync://ftp.surfnet.nl/Fedora/3/
* ftp://ftp.quicknet.nl/pub/Linux/download.fedora.redhat.com/3
* ftp://ftp.tudelft.nl/d1/Linux/download.fedora.redhat.com/3/
* Norway:
* ftp://ftp.uninett.no/pub/linux/Fedora/core/3/
* rsync://ftp.uninett.no/fedora-linux-core/3/
* Poland:
* ftp://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/pub/Linux/fedora/linux/core/3/
* http://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/pub/Linux/fedora/linux/core/3/
* rsync://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/pub/Linux/fedora/linux/core/3/
* ftp://ftp.wsisiz.edu.pl/pub/Linux/fedora/linux/core/3/
* ftp://ftp.ps.pl/pub/linux/fedora-core/3
* http://ftp.ps.pl/pub/linux/fedora-core/3
* Portugal:
* ftp://ftp.di.fct.unl.pt/pub/linux/fedora/3/
* http://ftp.di.fct.unl.pt/pub/linux/fedora/3/
* Romania:
* ftp://ftp.iasi.roedu.net/pub/mirrors/fedora.redhat.com/core/3/
* http://ftp.iasi.roedu.net/mirrors/fedora.redhat.com/core/3/
* rsync://ftp.iasi.roedu.net/fedora-core/core/3/
* ftp://ftp.lug.ro/fedora/linux/core/3
* http://ftp.lug.ro/fedora/linux/core/3
* Russia:
* http://ftp.chg.ru/pub/Linux/fedora/linux/core/3/
* ftp://ftp.chg.ru/pub/Linux/fedora/linux/core/3/
* Spain:
* ftp://ftp.udl.es/pub/fedora/linux/core/3/
* http://ftp.udl.es/pub/fedora/linux/core/3/
* rsync://ftp.udl.es/fedora/linux/core/3/
* ftp://ftp.cica.es/fedora/linux/core/3/
* http://sunsite.rediris.es/mirror/fedora.redhat/3
* ftp://ftp.rediris.es/mirror/fedora.redhat/3
* Slovenia:
* http://mirrors.bevc.net/fedora/core/3/
* ftp://ftp.bevc.net/mirrors/fedora/core/3/
* Sweden:
* ftp://ftp.chl.chalmers.se/pub/fedora/linux/core/3/
* United Kingdom:
* http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/li…
* ftp://ftp.mirrorservice.org/sites/download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/lin…
* rsync://rsync.mirrorservice.org/sites/download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora…
* Asia/Pacific:
* Australia:
* http://planetmirror.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/3/
* ftp://ftp.planetmirror.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/3/
* rsync://rsync.planetmirror.com/fedora-linux-core/3/
* ftp://ftp.netcraft.com.au/pub/fedora/linux/core/3/
* China:
* ftp://ftp.hostrino.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/3/
* http://ftp.hostrino.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/3/
* Japan:
* ftp://ftp.riken.jp/Linux/fedora/core/3/
* http://ftp.riken.jp/Linux/fedora/core/3/
* rsync://ftp.riken.jp/fedora/core/3/
* ftp://download.sfc.wide.ad.jp/pub/Linux/Fedora/3/
* http://download.sfc.wide.ad.jp/pub/Linux/Fedora/3/
* ftp://ftp.kddialbs.jp/Linux/packages/fedora/core/3/
* http://ftp.kddialbs.jp/Linux/packages/fedora/core/3/
* rsync://ftp.kddilabs.jp/fedora/core/3/
* New Zealand:
* ftp://ftp.wicks.co.nz/pub/linux/dist/fedora/3/
* Taiwan:
* http://ftp.isu.edu.tw/pub/Linux/Fedora/linux/core/3
* ftp://ftp.isu.edu.tw/pub/Linux/Fedora/linux/core/3
More mirrors will come on line as time passes; please see
for a list of mirrors that carry Fedora Core.
Fedora Core 3 Release Notes
Copyright (c) 2004 Red Hat, Inc.
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All other trademarks and copyrights referred to are the property of their
respective owners.
The GPG fingerprint of the "Fedora Project <fedora(a)redhat.com>" key is:
CA B4 4B 99 6F 27 74 4E 86 12 7C DF B4 42 69 D0 4F 2A 6F D2
The Fedora Project is an openly-developed project designed by Red Hat,
open for general participation, led by a meritocracy, and following a set
of project objectives. The results from this project include Fedora Core,
a complete, general-purpose operating system built exclusively from open
source software.
Fedora Core is not a supported product of Red Hat, Inc.
For more information, refer to the Fedora Project overview later in this
The following topics related to Fedora Core 3 are covered in this
o Introduction (this section)
o Hardware requirements
o Overview of this release
o Installation-related notes
o Package-specific notes
o Packages added/removed/deprecated
o An overview of the Fedora Project
Hardware Requirements
The following information represents the minimum hardware requirements
necessary to successfully install Fedora Core 3.
The compatibility/availability of other hardware components (such as video
and network cards) may be required for specific installation modes and/or
post-installation usage.
CPU Requirements
This section lists the CPU specifications required by Fedora Core 3.
The following CPU specifications are stated in terms of Intel processors.
Other processors (notably, offerings from AMD, Cyrix, and VIA) that are
compatible with and equivalent to the following Intel processors may also
be used with Fedora Core.
o Minimum: Pentium-class
Fedora Core 3 is optimized for Pentium 4 CPUs, but also supports
earlier CPUs (such as Pentium, Pentium Pro, Pentium II, Pentium III,
and including AMD and VIA variants). This approach has been taken
because Pentium-class optimizations actually result in reduced
performance for non-Pentium-class processors, and Pentium 4 scheduling
is sufficiently different (while making up the bulk of today's
processors) to warrant this change.
o Recommended for text-mode: 200 MHz Pentium-class or better
o Recommended for graphical: 400 MHz Pentium II or better
Hard Disk Space Requirements
This section lists the disk space required to install Fedora Core 3.
The disk space requirements listed below represent the disk space taken up
by Fedora Core 3 after the installation is complete. However, additional
disk space is required during the installation to support the installation
environment. This additional disk space corresponds to the size of
/Fedora/base/stage2.img (on CD-ROM 1) plus the size of the files in
/var/lib/rpm on the installed system.
In practical terms, this means that as little as an additional 90MB can be
required for a minimal installation, while as much as an additional 175MB
can be required for an "everything" installation.
Also, keep in mind that additional space will be required for any user
data, and at least 5% free space should be maintained for proper system
o Custom Installation (Minimal): 620MB
o Server: 1.1GB
o Personal Desktop: 2.3GB
o Workstation: 3.0GB
o Custom Installation (Everything): 6.9GB
Memory Requirements
This section lists the memory required to install Fedora Core 3.
o Minimum for text-mode: 64MB
o Minimum for graphical: 192MB
o Recommended for graphical: 256MB
Overview of This Release
The following list includes brief summaries of some of the more
significant aspects of Fedora Core 3:
o Fedora Core 3 contains the following changes:
o GCC 3.4
o GNOME 2.8
o KDE 3.3
o SELinux -- This includes a new "targeted" policy that monitors
specific daemons with less intrusion than the strict policy in
use before. This policy is enabled by default. For more
information, refer to:
o Indic language support
o Firefox and Mozilla can be enabled with pango rendering support,
which enables many text layout features, including the rendering
of CTL (Complex Text Layout) such as Indic languages. To enable
this, set the following environment variable when running Firefox
or Mozilla:
o Kernel and e2fsprogs support for online growing of ext3 file
o Various desktop-related features, including, but not limited to:
o Remote desktops using VNC
o Printing improvements
o Evolution 2.0
VMware WS 4.5.2 is known to work on Fedora Core 3 after the following
workarounds are used:
o You must upgrade the kernel modules and configuration using the
unofficial vmware-any-any-* toolkit available from:
o After vmware-config.pl is run and the VMware modules are loaded, the
following command creates the /sys/class/* nodes needed for udev:
cp -rp /dev/vm* /etc/udev/devices/
Installation-Related Notes
This section outlines those issues that are related to Anaconda (the
Fedora Core installation program) and installing Fedora Core 3 in general.
If you intend to download the Fedora Core 3 DVD ISO image, keep in mind
that not all file downloading tools can accommodate files larger than 2GB
in size. For example, wget will exit with a File size limit exceeded
The curl and ncftpget file downloading tools do not have this limitation,
and can successfully download files larger than 2GB.
Anaconda Notes
o The Fedora Core installation program has the ability to test the
integrity of the installation media. It works with the CD, DVD, hard
drive ISO, and NFS ISO installation methods. Red Hat recommends that
you test all installation media before starting the installation
process, and before reporting any installation-related bugs (many of
the bugs reported are actually due to improperly-burned CDs). To use
this test, type linux mediacheck at the boot: prompt.
o Memory testing may be performed prior to installing Fedora Core by
entering memtest86 at the boot: prompt. This causes the Memtest86
standalone memory testing software to run. Memtest86 memory testing
continues until the Esc key is pressed.
NOTE: You must boot from CD-ROM 1 (or a rescue CD-ROM) in order to use
this feature.
o Fedora Core 3 supports graphical FTP and HTTP installations. However,
due to the necessity of containing the installer image in RAM, only
systems with more than 128MB of RAM (or systems booted from CD-ROM 1,
which contains the installer image) can use the graphical installer.
Systems with 128MB or less will continue to use the text-based
Installation-Related Issues
o Certain hardware configurations (particularly those with LCD displays)
may experience problems while starting the Fedora Core installation
program. In these instances, restart the installation, and add the
"nofb" option to the boot command line.
NOTE: Chinese, Japanese, and Korean graphical installations started
using the "nofb" option will start in English, and then switch to the
appropriate language once the graphical phase of the installation
process begins.
o Some Sony VAIO(R) notebook systems may experience problems installing
Fedora Core from CD-ROM. If this happens, restart the installation
process and add the following option to the boot command line:
pci=off ide1=0x180,0x386
This option allows the installation to proceed normally; any devices
not detected due to the use of this option will be configured the
first time Fedora Core is booted.
o Serial mice are known to be inoperative during installation. However,
there are indications that serial mice work properly in X after the
installation has completed. Refer to bug 119474 for more information:
o There have been issues observed when upgrading Red Hat Linux 7.<x>,
8.0, 9, and Fedora Core 1 systems running Ximian GNOME. The issue is
caused by version overlap between the official Red Hat Linux RPMs (or
the ones from the Fedora Project) and the Ximian RPMs. This
configuration is not supported. You have several choices in resolving
this issue:
1) You may remove Ximian GNOME from your system prior to upgrading to
Fedora Core.
2) You may upgrade your system, and then immediately reinstall Ximian
3) You may upgrade your system, and then immediately remove all
remaining Ximian RPMs, replacing them with the corresponding Fedora
Core RPMs.
You must resolve the version overlap using one of the above choices.
Failure to do so will result in an unstable GNOME configuration.
Package-Specific Notes
The following sections contain information regarding packages that have
undergone significant changes for Fedora Core 3. For easier access, they
are organized using the same groups used in Anaconda.
This section contains information related to basic system components.
Fedora Core 3 contains OpenSSH 3.9, which includes strict permission and
ownership checks for the ~/.ssh/config file. These checks mean that ssh
will exit if this file does not have appropriate ownership and
Therefore, make sure that ~/.ssh/config is owned by the owner of ~/, and
that its permissions are set to mode 600.
In addition, OpenSSH is no longer configured to request X11 forwarding by
default when connecting to servers. To enable X11 forwarding, the -X or -Y
option must be specified, or the ForwardX11 option must be enabled in the
~/.ssh/config file.
The behavior of ssh clients that are invoked with the -X flag has changed.
In OpenSSH 3.8 and later, X11 forwarding is performed in a way that
applications run as untrusted clients by default. Previously, X11
forwarding was performed so that applications always ran as trusted
clients. Some applications may not function properly when run as untrusted
clients. To forward X11 so that applications are run as trusted clients,
invoke ssh with the -Y flag instead of the -X flag, or set
ForwardX11Trusted in the ~/.ssh/config file.
This section contains the most elemental components of Fedora Core,
including the kernel.
The ext2online utility has been added for online growing of existing ext3
file systems.
It is important to keep in mind that ext2online does not grow the
underlying block device itself -- there must be sufficient unused space
already present on the device. The easiest way to ensure this is to use
LVM volumes and to run lvresize or lvextend to extend the device.
In addition, file systems must be specially prepared in order to be
resized past a certain point. The preparation involves reserving a small
amount of space into which on-disk tables can grow. For newly-created file
systems, mke2fs reserves such space automatically; the space reserved is
sufficient to grow the file system by a factor of 1000. The creation of
this reserved space can be disabled by the following command:
mke2fs -O ^resize_inode
Future releases of Fedora Core will allow the creation of this reserved
space on existing file systems.
o The version of glibc provided with Fedora Core 3 performs additional
internal sanity checks to prevent and detect data corruption as early
as possible. By default, should corruption be detected, a message
similar to the following will be displayed on standard error (or
logged via syslog if stderr is not open):
*** glibc detected *** double free or corruption: 0x0937d008 ***
By default, the program that generated this error will also be killed;
however, this (and whether or not an error message is generated) can
be controlled via the MALLOC_CHECK_ environment variable. The
following settings are supported:
o 0 -- Do not generate an error message, and do not kill the
o 1 -- Generate an error message, but do not kill the program
o 2 -- Do not generate an error message, but kill the program
o 3 -- Generate an error message and kill the program
If MALLOC_CHECK_ is explicitly set a value other than 0, this causes
glibc to perform more tests that are more extensive than the default,
and may impact performance.
Should you have a program from a third party ISV that triggers these
corruption checks and displays a message, you should file a defect
report with the application's vendor, since this indicates a serious
The location where hotplug expects firmware to be loaded into (for
example, firmware for Cardbus cards) has changed from
/usr/lib/hotplug/firmware to /lib/firmware. Existing firmware files must
be moved into the new directory.
o In the past, the process of updating the kernel did not change the
default kernel in the system's boot loader configuration.
Fedora Core 3 changes this behavior to set newly-installed kernels as
the default. This behavior applies to all installation methods
(including rpm -i).
This behavior is controlled by two lines in the /etc/sysconfig/kernel
o UPGRADEDEFAULT -- Controls whether new kernels will be booted by
default (default value: yes)
o DEFAULTKERNEL -- kernel RPMs whose names match this value will be
booted by default (default value: depends on hardware
o In order to eliminate the redundancy inherent in providing a separate
package for the kernel source code when that source code already
exists in the kernel's .src.rpm file, Fedora Core 3 no longer includes
the kernel-source package. Users that require access to the kernel
sources can find them in the kernel .src.rpm file. To create an
exploded source tree from this file, perform the following steps (note
that <version> refers to the version specification for your
currently-running kernel):
1. Obtain the kernel-<version>.src.rpm file from one of the
following sources:
o The SRPMS directory on the appropriate "SRPMS" CD iso image
o The FTP site where you got the kernel package
o By running the following command:
up2date --get-source kernel
2. Install kernel-<version>.src.rpm (given the default RPM
configuration, the files this package contains will be written to
3. Change directory to /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/, and issue the
following command:
rpmbuild -bp --target=<arch> kernel.spec
(Where <arch> is the desired target architecture.)
On a default RPM configuration, the kernel tree will be located
in /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/.
4. In resulting tree, the configurations for the specific kernels
shipped in Fedora Core 3 are in the /configs/ directory. For
example, the i686 SMP configuration file is named
/configs/kernel-<version>-i686-smp.config. Issue the following
command to place the desired configuration file in the proper
place for building:
cp <desired-file> ./.config
5. Issue the following command:
make oldconfig
You can then proceed as usual.
An exploded source tree is not required to build kernel modules
against the currently in-use kernel.
For example, to build the foo.ko module, create the following file
(named Makefile) in the directory containing the foo.c file:
obj-m := foo.o
KDIR := /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build
PWD := $(shell pwd)
$(MAKE) -C $(KDIR) SUBDIRS=$(PWD) modules
Issue the make command to build the foo.ko module.
o I[2]O SCSI RAID adapters from manufacturers such as Adaptec now use
the i2o_block driver, rather than the dpt_i2o driver used by Fedora
Core 1 and earlier distributions.
Be aware that block devices used by the i2o_block driver are
/dev/i2o/hd* rather than the /dev/sd* SCSI devices. This may be
problematic for those upgrading from older distributions that used the
dpt_i2o driver. Therefore, after an upgrade to Fedora Core 3, you may
need to boot using a rescue disk and edit your /etc/fstab file to use
the new devices.
For more information about the new I[2]O device layer and Fedora
Core-specific notes, visit the I[2]O homepage:
Language Support
This section includes information related to the support of various
languages under Fedora Core.
o The default Input Method (IM) for Chinese (Simplified and
Traditional), Japanese, and Korean has been changed to IIIMF -- the
Internet/Intranet Input Method Framework. IIIMF is supported as a
native GTK2 IM module, and also through XIM using the httx client.
IIIMF supports the use of multiple Language Engines (LEs) at the same
time; using the GNOME Input Method Language Engine Tool (GIMLET -- an
applet) it is possible to switch between LEs of different languages
inside GTK2 applications.
IIIMF currently defaults to using Ctrl-Space or Shift-Space for
toggling the input method on and off (Emacs users can use Ctrl-@
instead of Ctrl-Space to set the mark.)
Depending on your selection at the language support screen during
installation, one or more IIIMF language engines may be installed. The
IIIMF server package (iiimf-server) will also be installed if a
language engine has been selected. The language to language engine
(LE) package mappings are as follows:
o ja_JP -- iiimf-le-canna
o zh_CN -- iiimf-le-chinput
o zh_TW -- iiimf-le-xcin
o ko_KR -- iiimf-le-hangul
o {bn,gu,pa,ta,hi}_IN -- iiimf-le-unit
Accordingly, input via IIIMF will be enabled if you have chosen one of
the following as your default locale:
o ja_JP
o zh_CN
o zh_TW
o ko_KR
o {bn,gu,pa,ta,hi}_IN
To aid your use of IIIMF, if you have selected one of the above
locales and you are using the GNOME Desktop, when you first login the
GIMLET utility (part of the iiimf-gnome-im-switcher package) will
automatically be added to your panel.
GIMLET is a utility for switching between the different LEs that are
installed on your system. Using a different language engine allows you
to enter text in different languages. Alternatively you may add GIMLET
manually to your panel by right clicking on the panel and selecting:
Add to Panel -> GIMLET
Should you wish to switch between IIIMF or the legacy input method
framework XIM, you can use the system-switch-im application. After
changing the input method framework your changes will be reflected
when you next start the X Window System.
Mail Server
This section contains information related to the mail transport agents
included with Fedora Core.
Earlier mailman RPMs installed all files under the /var/mailman/
directory. Unfortunately, this did not conform to the Filesystem Hierarchy
Standard (FHS) and also created security violations when SELinux was
If you previously had mailman installed and had edited files in
/var/mailman/ (such as mm_cfg.py) you must move those changes to their new
location, as documented in the following file:
o By default, the Sendmail mail transport agent (MTA) does not accept
network connections from any host other than the local computer. If
you want to configure Sendmail as a server for other clients, you must
edit /etc/mail/sendmail.mc and change the DAEMON_OPTIONS line to also
listen on network devices (or comment out this option entirely using
the dnl comment delimiter). You must then regenerate
/etc/mail/sendmail.cf by running the following command (as root):
make -C /etc/mail
Note that you must have the sendmail-cf package installed for this to
Server Configuration Tools
This section contains information related to various server configuration
The firewall constructed by the system-config-securitylevel configuration
tool now allows CUPS and Multicast DNS (mDNS) browsing. Note that, at the
present time, these services cannot be disabled by
Sound and Video
This section contains information related to multimedia applications.
Past users of the CD/DVD burning application k3b may notice that the
program k3bsetup is missing. This is because k3bsetup is not necessary
under Fedora Core 3.
Web Server
This section contains information related to Web-related tools.
The certwatch(1) tool has been added to the crypto-utils package. This
tool is used to send warning mail to root when any configured SSL
certificates have expired or are approaching the expiration date. By
default, the tool checks any certificates that are enabled in the mod_ssl
By default, the httpd daemon is now started using the C locale, rather
than using the configured system locale setting. This behavior can be
changed by setting the HTTPD_LANG variable in the /etc/sysconfig/httpd
The gd, mbstring, and ncurses extensions have been moved to the php-gd,
php-mbstring, and php-ncurses packages, respectively. Note that you will
need to install these packages manually (if required) when upgrading from
an earlier release.
Windows File Server
This section contains information related to Samba, software that makes it
possible to share files between Linux and Windows systems.
Browsing of Windows shares (also known as SMB browsing) fails on Fedora
Core 3 systems that have the standard firewall configured. This is most
easily noticed in the failure of Nautilus to display shares. The failure
is due to the firewall disrupting the broadcast mode of SMB browsing,
which is Samba's default setting. There are two workarounds:
o Configure a WINS server on the network, and set the "wins server"
option in smb.conf to the address of the WINS server.
o Disable the firewall
Depending on your system and network configurations, disabling the
firewall can greatly increase the chance of your system being attacked and
compromised. Make sure you fully understand the risks before undertaking
this step.
For additional information, refer to the following bug report:
X Window System
This section contains information related to the X Window System
implementation provided with Fedora Core.
o Users new to the X.org X11 implementation should take note of a few
differences between it and the XFree86.org X11 implementation which
shipped in previous Red Hat operating systems. In particular, the
names of some files have changed:
X Server Binary:
o XFree86 X11: XFree86
o X.org X11: Xorg
X Server Configuration File:
o XFree86 X11: /etc/X11/XF86Config
o X.org X11: /etc/X11/xorg.conf
X Server Log File
o XFree86 X11: /var/log/XFree86.$DISPLAY.log
o X.org X11: /var/log/Xorg.$DISPLAY.log
When configuring or troubleshooting your X server configuration, be
sure that you are using the correct files.
o There has been some confusion regarding font-related issues under the
X Window System in recent versions of Fedora Core (and versions of Red
Hat Linux before it.) At the present time, there are two font
subsystems, each with different characteristics:
- The original (15+ year old) subsystem is referred to as the "core X
font subsystem". Fonts rendered by this subsystem are not
anti-aliased, are handled by the X server, and have names like:
The newer font subsystem is known as "fontconfig", and allows
applications direct access to the font files. Fontconfig is often used
along with the "Xft" library, which allows applications to render
fontconfig fonts to the screen with antialiasing. Fontconfig uses more
human-friendly names like:
Luxi Sans-10
Over time, fontconfig/Xft will replace the core X font subsystem. At
the present time, applications using the Qt 3 or GTK 2 toolkits (which
would include KDE and GNOME applications) use the fontconfig and Xft
font subsystem; most everything else uses the core X fonts.
In the future, Fedora Core may support only fontconfig/Xft in place of
the XFS font server as the default local font access method.
NOTE: An exception to the font subsystem usage outlined above is
OpenOffice.org (which uses its own font rendering technology).
If you wish to add new fonts to your Fedora Core 3 system, you must be
aware that the steps necessary depend on which font subsystem is to
use the new fonts. For the core X font subsystem, you must:
1. Create the /usr/share/fonts/local/ directory (if it doesn't already
mkdir /usr/share/fonts/local/
2. Copy the new font file into /usr/share/fonts/local/
3. Update the font information by issuing the following commands (note
that, due to formatting restrictions, the following commands may
appear on more than one line; in use, each command should be entered
on a single line):
ttmkfdir -d /usr/share/fonts/local/ -o
mkfontdir /usr/share/fonts/local/
4. If you had to create /usr/share/fonts/local/, you must then add it
to the X font server (xfs) path:
chkfontpath --add /usr/share/fonts/local/
Adding new fonts to the fontconfig font subsystem is more
straightforward; the new font file only needs to be copied into the
/usr/share/fonts/ directory (individual users can modify their
personal font configuration by copying the font file into the
~/.fonts/ directory).
After the new font has been copied, use fc-cache to update the font
information cache:
fc-cache <directory>
(Where <directory> would be either the /usr/share/fonts/ or ~/.fonts/
Individual users may also install fonts graphically, by browsing
fonts:/// in Nautilus, and dragging the new font files there.
NOTE: If the font filename ends with ".gz", it has been compressed
with gzip, and must be decompressed (with the gunzip command) before
the fontconfig font subsystem can use the font.
o Due to the transition to the new font system based on fontconfig/Xft,
GTK+ 1.2 applications are not affected by any changes made via the
Font Preferences dialog. For these applications, a font can be
configured by adding the following lines to the file ~/.gtkrc.mine:
style "user-font" {
fontset = "<font-specification>"
widget_class "*" style "user-font"
(Where <font-specification> represents a font specification in the
style used by traditional X applications, such as
Miscellaneous Notes
This section contains information related to packages that do not fit in
any of the proceeding categories.
C++ and TCL bindings are no longer contained in the compat-db package.
Applications requiring these bindings must be ported to the
currently-shipping DB library.
The nscd name service cache daemon may now maintain a persistent cache
across restarts or system reboots. Each database (user, group, and host,
respectively) can be made selected to be persistent by setting the
appropriate line in /etc/nscd.conf to "yes". Entries are not removed from
the cache until they are proven to be no longer of interest. All entries
whose time-to-live expires but are otherwise interesting are automatically
reloaded, which helps in situations where the directory and name services
become temporarily unavailable.
The nscd name service daemon is also able to communicate faster with
client programs. This feature must be enabled explicitly by setting the
"shared" entry for the appropriate database in /etc/nscd.conf to "yes".
Fedora Core 3 has switched from a static /dev/ directory to one that is
dynamically managed via udev. This allows device nodes to be created on
demand as drivers are loaded.
For more information on udev, refer to the udev(8) man page and the
following link:
Additional rules for udev should be placed in a separate file in the
/etc/udev/rules.d/ directory.
Additional permission rules for udev should be placed in a separate file
in the /etc/udev/permissions.d/ directory.
Systems upgraded to Fedora Core 3 using Anaconda will automatically be
reconfigured to use udev. However (although NOT recommended) it is
possible to perform a "live" upgrade to udev using the following steps:
1. Ensure that you are running a 2.6 kernel
2. Ensure that /sys/ is mounted
3. Install the initscripts RPM supplied with Fedora Core 3
4. Install the new udev RPM supplied with Fedora Core 3
5. Execute /sbin/start_udev
6. Install the new mkinitrd RPM supplied with Fedora Core 3
7. Perform one of the following steps:
. Install the new kernel RPM supplied with Fedora Core 3
. Re-run mkinitrd for your existing kernel(s)
Improperly performing these steps can result in a system configuration
that will not boot properly.
Packages Added/Removed/Deprecated
This section contains lists of packages that fit into the following
o Packages that have been added to Fedora Core 3
o Packages that have been removed from Fedora Core 3
o Packages that have been deprecated, and may be removed from a future
release of Fedora Core
Packages Added
The following packages have been added to Fedora Core 3:
o HelixPlayer
o NetworkManager
o NetworkManager-gnome
o Pyrex
o aiksaurus
o aiksaurus-devel
o aiksaurus-gtk
o aiksaurus-gtk-devel
o arptables_jf
o aspell-af
o aspell-bg
o aspell-br
o aspell-ca
o aspell-cs
o aspell-cy
o aspell-el
o aspell-fo
o aspell-ga
o aspell-gd
o aspell-gl
o aspell-hr
o aspell-ia
o aspell-id
o aspell-it
o aspell-pl
o audit
o authd
o bluez-utils-cups
o bzflag
o compat-openldap
o crash
o createrepo
o crypto-utils
o cscope
o cyrus-sasl-ntlm
o cyrus-sasl-sql
o dasher
o db4-java
o dbus-python
o dhcpv6
o dhcpv6_client
o diskdumputils
o dmraid
o docbook-simple
o docbook-slides
o ecj
o epiphany-devel
o evolution-connector
o evolution-data-server
o evolution-data-server-devel
o evolution-webcal
o fedora-release
o firefox
o fonts-xorg-100dpi
o fonts-xorg-75dpi
o fonts-xorg-ISO8859-14-100dpi
o fonts-xorg-ISO8859-14-75dpi
o fonts-xorg-ISO8859-15-100dpi
o fonts-xorg-ISO8859-15-75dpi
o fonts-xorg-ISO8859-2-100dpi
o fonts-xorg-ISO8859-2-75dpi
o fonts-xorg-ISO8859-9-100dpi
o fonts-xorg-ISO8859-9-75dpi
o fonts-xorg-base
o fonts-xorg-cyrillic
o fonts-xorg-syriac
o fonts-xorg-truetype
o gamin
o gamin-devel
o gcc4
o gcc4-c++
o gcc4-gfortran
o gda-mysql
o gda-odbc
o gda-postgres
o gettext-devel
o gnome-keyring-manager
o gnome-nettool
o gnome-volume-manager
o gnuplot-emacs
o gnutls
o gnutls-devel
o gok-devel
o hal
o hal-cups-utils
o hal-devel
o hal-gnome
o howl
o howl-devel
o howl-libs
o httpd-suexec
o iiimf-gnome-im-switcher
o iiimf-le-chinput
o iiimf-le-sun-thai
o iiimf-libs
o iiimf-libs-devel
o java-1.4.2-gcj-compat
o java-1.4.2-gcj-compat-devel
o jpackage-utils
o katana
o katana-build
o kde-i18n-Bulgarian
o kdeaddons-xmms
o kdenetwork-nowlistening
o kdewebdev
o kdewebdev-devel
o kinput2
o krb5-auth-dialog
o libbtctl-devel
o libgda
o libgda-devel
o libgfortran
o libgnomedb
o libgnomedb-devel
o libidn
o libidn-devel
o libmudflap
o libmudflap-devel
o libsepol
o libsepol-devel
o libsilc
o libsilc-devel
o libsilc-doc
o libtheora
o libtheora-devel
o libwmf
o libwmf-devel
o linuxwacom
o linuxwacom-devel
o mikmod-devel
o mod_authz_ldap
o module-init-tools
o nautilus-cd-burner-devel
o net-snmp-libs
o newt-perl
o nptl-devel (i386)
o numactl
o octave-devel
o openldap-servers-sql
o openoffice.org-kde
o openswan
o pam_ccreds
o pam_passwdqc
o php-gd
o php-mbstring
o php-ncurses
o python-ldap
o qt-config
o rpm-libs
o selinux-policy-strict
o selinux-policy-strict-sources
o selinux-policy-targeted
o selinux-policy-targeted-sources
o sg3_utils
o synaptics
o sysfsutils
o sysfsutils-devel
o system-switch-im
o theora-tools
o thunderbird
o tn5250
o tn5250-devel
o totem
o ttfonts-bn
o ttfonts-gu
o ttfonts-hi
o ttfonts-pa
o ttfonts-ta
o valgrind
o valgrind-callgrind
o vino
o xfce4-iconbox
o xfce4-systray
o xffm-icons
o xfprint
o xorg-x11-Xdmx
o xorg-x11-deprecated-libs
o xorg-x11-deprecated-libs-devel
Packages Removed
The following packages have been removed from Fedora Core 3:
o FreeWnn-common
o Gtk-Perl
o Wnn6-SDK
o Wnn6-SDK-devel
o ac-archive
o anaconda-images
o ant
o ant-core
o ant-devel
o ant-optional
o aspell-pt_BR
o bcel
o bcel-devel
o bluez-pan
o bluez-sdp
o bluez-sdp-devel
o chromium
o commons-beanutils
o commons-beanutils-devel
o commons-collections
o commons-collections-devel
o commons-dbcp
o commons-dbcp-devel
o commons-digester
o commons-digester-devel
o commons-fileupload
o commons-fileupload-devel
o commons-logging
o commons-logging-devel
o commons-modeler
o commons-modeler-devel
o commons-pool
o commons-pool-devel
o comps
o cup
o cup-devel
o dev
o devlabel
o dvdrecord
o fam
o fam-devel
o fedora-release
o gcc34
o gcc34-c++
o gcc34-java
o glade
o gqview
o gtkam
o gtkam-gimp
o gtkglarea
o hwcrypto
o iiimf-client-lib
o iiimf-client-lib-devel
o iiimf-le-inpinyin
o iiimf-le-newpy
o iiimf-protocol-lib
o iiimf-protocol-lib-devel
o imlib-cfgeditor
o iscsi
o jaf
o jaf-devel
o jakarta-regexp
o jakarta-regexp-devel
o javamail
o javamail-devel
o junit
o junit-devel
o kde-i18n-Korean
o kde-i18n-Lithuanian
o kernel-source
o kinput2-canna-wnn6
o libgcj34
o libgcj34-devel
o libgnomeprint
o libgnomeprint-devel
o libgnomeprintui
o libgnomeprintui-devel
o libole2
o libole2-devel
o librep
o librep-devel
o libstdc++34
o libstdc++34-devel
o licq
o licq-gnome
o licq-kde
o licq-qt
o licq-text
o linc
o linc-devel
o lvm
o magicdev
o mod_jk2
o modutils
o mx4j
o mx4j-devel
o mx4j-tools
o mysql-jdbc
o mysql-jdbc-tomcat
o ncurses-c++-devel
o njamd
o pidentd
o pilot-link095-compat
o policy
o policy-sources
o policy-strict-sources
o printman
o python-optik
o quanta
o quanta-devel
o raidtools
o redhat-java-rpm-scripts
o rep-gtk
o sawfish
o servletapi
o servletapi-devel
o shapecfg
o struts
o struts-webapps
o system-config-proc
o tomcat
o tomcat-devel
o tomcat-libs
o tomcat-test
o unarj
o xalan-j
o xalan-j-devel
o xalan-j-xsltc
o xerces-j
o xerces-j-devel
o xffm-icons
o xorg-x11-100dpi-fonts
o xorg-x11-75dpi-fonts
o xorg-x11-ISO8859-14-100dpi-fonts
o xorg-x11-ISO8859-14-75dpi-fonts
o xorg-x11-ISO8859-15-100dpi-fonts
o xorg-x11-ISO8859-15-75dpi-fonts
o xorg-x11-ISO8859-2-100dpi-fonts
o xorg-x11-ISO8859-2-75dpi-fonts
o xorg-x11-ISO8859-9-100dpi-fonts
o xorg-x11-ISO8859-9-75dpi-fonts
o xorg-x11-base-fonts
o xorg-x11-cyrillic-fonts
o xorg-x11-libs-data
o xorg-x11-syriac-fonts
o xorg-x11-truetype-fonts
Packages Deprecated
The following packages have been deprecated, and may be removed from a
future release of Fedora Core:
o dbskkd-cdb -- Only used by deprecated package skkinput
o FreeWnn -- Only used by deprecated package kinput2-canna-wnn6
o lilo -- GRUB is the recommended bootloader
o miniChinput -- IIIMF is the recommended input method
o nabi -- IIIMF is the recommended input method
o ncpfs -- No longer part of Fedora Core profile
o skkinput -- IIIMF is the recommended input method
o xcin -- IIIMF is the recommended input method
An Overview of the Fedora Project
The goal of the Fedora Project is to work with the Linux community to
build a complete, general-purpose operating system exclusively from open
source software. Development will be done in a public forum. The project
will produce time-based releases of Fedora Core about 2-3 times a year,
with a public release schedule. The Red Hat engineering team will continue
to participate in building Fedora Core and will invite and encourage more
outside participation than was possible in the past. By using this more
open process, we hope to provide an operating system more in line with the
ideals of free software and more appealing to the open source community.
For more information, refer to the Fedora Project website:
In addition to the website, the following mailing lists are available:
o fedora-list(a)redhat.com -- For users of Fedora Core releases
o fedora-test-list(a)redhat.com -- For testers of Fedora Core test
o fedora-devel-list(a)redhat.com -- For developers, developers, developers
o fedora-docs-list(a)redhat.com -- For participants of the docs project
To subscribe to any of these lists, send an email with the word
"subscribe" in the subject to <listname>-request (where <listname> is one
of the above list names.)
NOTE: If you have subscribed in the past to rhl-list, rhl-beta-list,
rhl-devel-list, or rhl-docs-list, your subscriptions have been retained.
The Fedora Project also includes an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) channel. IRC
is a real-time, text-based form of communication. With it, you can have
conversations with multiple people in an open channel or chat with someone
privately one-on-one.
To talk with other Fedora Project participants via IRC, access freenode
IRC network. Initially, you can use irc.freenode.net as the IRC server,
although you may decide to select a server that is geographically closer
to you. Refer to the freenode website ([11]http://www.freenode.net/) for
more information. Fedora Project participants frequent the #fedora
channel, while Fedora Project developers can often be found on the
#fedora-devel channel. Some of the larger projects may have their own
channels as well; this information can be found on the project pages.
NOTE: Red Hat has no control over the Fedora IRC channels or their
( x86 )
Visible links
1. http://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl.html
2. http://fedora.redhat.com/docs/selinux-faq/
3. http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-desktop-list/2004-June/msg00007.html
4. http://mail.gnome.org/archives/desktop-devel-list/2004-June/msg00370.html
5. http://platan.vc.cvut.cz/ftp/pub/vmware/
6. http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=119474
7. http://i2o.shadowconnect.com/
8. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=133478
9. http://people.redhat.com/~harald/udev.html
10. http://fedora.redhat.com/
11. http://www.freenode.net/
Fedora Core 3 Release Notes
Copyright (c) 2004 Red Hat, Inc.
Permission is granted to copy, distribute, and/or modify this document
under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any
later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant
Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the
license is available at [1]http://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl.html.
This document may be copied and distributed in any medium, either
commercially or non-commercially, provided that the GNU Free Documentation
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add no other conditions whatsoever to those of the GNU FDL.
Red Hat, Red Hat Network, the Red Hat "Shadow Man" logo, RPM, Maximum RPM,
the RPM logo, Linux Library, PowerTools, Linux Undercover, RHmember,
RHmember More, Rough Cuts, Rawhide and all Red Hat-based trademarks and
logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Red Hat, Inc. in the
United States and other countries.
The Fedora trademark is a trademark of Red Hat, Inc. in the United States
and other countries.
Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.
All other trademarks and copyrights referred to are the property of their
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The GPG fingerprint of the "Fedora Project <fedora(a)redhat.com>" key is:
CA B4 4B 99 6F 27 74 4E 86 12 7C DF B4 42 69 D0 4F 2A 6F D2
The Fedora Project is an openly-developed project designed by Red Hat,
open for general participation, led by a meritocracy, and following a set
of project objectives. The results from this project include Fedora Core,
a complete, general-purpose operating system built exclusively from open
source software.
Fedora Core is not a supported product of Red Hat, Inc.
For more information, refer to the Fedora Project overview later in this
The following topics related to Fedora Core 3 are covered in this
o Introduction (this section)
o Hardware requirements
o Overview of this release
o Installation-related notes
o Package-specific notes
o Packages added/removed/deprecated
o An overview of the Fedora Project
Hardware Requirements
The following information represents the minimum hardware requirements
necessary to successfully install Fedora Core 3.
The compatibility/availability of other hardware components (such as video
and network cards) may be required for specific installation modes and/or
post-installation usage.
CPU Requirements
This section lists the CPU specifications required by Fedora Core 3.
o AMD64 processors (both Athlon64 and Opteron)
o Intel processors with Intel(R) Extended Memory 64 Technology (Intel(R)
Hard Disk Space Requirements
This section lists the disk space required to install Fedora Core 3.
The disk space requirements listed below represent the disk space taken up
by Fedora Core 3 after the installation is complete. However, additional
disk space is required during the installation to support the installation
environment. This additional disk space corresponds to the size of
/Fedora/base/stage2.img (on CD-ROM 1) plus the size of the files in
/var/lib/rpm on the installed system.
In practical terms, this means that as little as an additional 90MB can be
required for a minimal installation, while as much as an additional 175MB
can be required for an "everything" installation.
Also, keep in mind that additional space will be required for any user
data, and at least 5% free space should be maintained for proper system
o Custom Installation (Minimal): 900MB
o Server: 1.5GB
o Personal Desktop: 2.7GB
o Workstation: 3.4GB
o Custom Installation: (Everything) 7.5GB
Memory Requirements
This section lists the memory required to install Fedora Core 3.
o Minimum for text-mode: 128MB
o Minimum for graphical: 256MB
o Recommended for graphical: 512MB
Overview of This Release
The following list includes brief summaries of some of the more
significant aspects of Fedora Core 3:
o Fedora Core 3 contains the following changes:
o GCC 3.4
o GNOME 2.8
o KDE 3.3
o SELinux -- This includes a new "targeted" policy that monitors
specific daemons with less intrusion than the strict policy in
use before. This policy is enabled by default. For more
information, refer to:
o Indic language support
o Firefox and Mozilla can be enabled with pango rendering support,
which enables many text layout features, including the rendering
of CTL (Complex Text Layout) such as Indic languages. To enable
this, set the following environment variable when running Firefox
or Mozilla:
o Kernel and e2fsprogs support for online growing of ext3 file
o Various desktop-related features, including, but not limited to:
o Remote desktops using VNC
o Printing improvements
o Evolution 2.0
VMware WS 4.5.2 is known to work on Fedora Core 3 after the following
workarounds are used:
o You must upgrade the kernel modules and configuration using the
unofficial vmware-any-any-* toolkit available from:
o After vmware-config.pl is run and the VMware modules are loaded, the
following command creates the /sys/class/* nodes needed for udev:
cp -rp /dev/vm* /etc/udev/devices/
Installation-Related Notes
This section outlines those issues that are related to Anaconda (the
Fedora Core installation program) and installing Fedora Core 3 in general.
If you intend to download the Fedora Core 3 DVD ISO image, keep in mind
that not all file downloading tools can accommodate files larger than 2GB
in size. For example, wget will exit with a File size limit exceeded
The curl and ncftpget file downloading tools do not have this limitation,
and can successfully download files larger than 2GB.
Anaconda Notes
o The Fedora Core installation program has the ability to test the
integrity of the installation media. It works with the CD, DVD, hard
drive ISO, and NFS ISO installation methods. Red Hat recommends that
you test all installation media before starting the installation
process, and before reporting any installation-related bugs (many of
the bugs reported are actually due to improperly-burned CDs). To use
this test, type linux mediacheck at the boot: prompt.
o Fedora Core 3 supports graphical FTP and HTTP installations. However,
due to the necessity of containing the installer image in RAM, only
systems with more than 128MB of RAM (or systems booted from CD-ROM 1,
which contains the installer image) can use the graphical installer.
Systems with 128MB or less will continue to use the text-based
Installation-Related Issues
o Certain hardware configurations (particularly those with LCD displays)
may experience problems while starting the Fedora Core installation
program. In these instances, restart the installation, and add the
"nofb" option to the boot command line.
NOTE: Chinese, Japanese, and Korean graphical installations started
using the "nofb" option will start in English, and then switch to the
appropriate language once the graphical phase of the installation
process begins.
o Serial mice are known to be inoperative during installation. However,
there are indications that serial mice work properly in X after the
installation has completed. Refer to bug 119474 for more information:
Package-Specific Notes
The following sections contain information regarding packages that have
undergone significant changes for Fedora Core 3. For easier access, they
are organized using the same groups used in Anaconda.
This section contains information related to basic system components.
Fedora Core 3 contains OpenSSH 3.9, which includes strict permission and
ownership checks for the ~/.ssh/config file. These checks mean that ssh
will exit if this file does not have appropriate ownership and
Therefore, make sure that ~/.ssh/config is owned by the owner of ~/, and
that its permissions are set to mode 600.
In addition, OpenSSH is no longer configured to request X11 forwarding by
default when connecting to servers. To enable X11 forwarding, the -X or -Y
option must be specified, or the ForwardX11 option must be enabled in the
~/.ssh/config file.
The behavior of ssh clients that are invoked with the -X flag has changed.
In OpenSSH 3.8 and later, X11 forwarding is performed in a way that
applications run as untrusted clients by default. Previously, X11
forwarding was performed so that applications always ran as trusted
clients. Some applications may not function properly when run as untrusted
clients. To forward X11 so that applications are run as trusted clients,
invoke ssh with the -Y flag instead of the -X flag, or set
ForwardX11Trusted in the ~/.ssh/config file.
This section contains the most elemental components of Fedora Core,
including the kernel.
The ext2online utility has been added for online growing of existing ext3
file systems.
It is important to keep in mind that ext2online does not grow the
underlying block device itself -- there must be sufficient unused space
already present on the device. The easiest way to ensure this is to use
LVM volumes and to run lvresize or lvextend to extend the device.
In addition, file systems must be specially prepared in order to be
resized past a certain point. The preparation involves reserving a small
amount of space into which on-disk tables can grow. For newly-created file
systems, mke2fs reserves such space automatically; the space reserved is
sufficient to grow the file system by a factor of 1000. The creation of
this reserved space can be disabled by the following command:
mke2fs -O ^resize_inode
Future releases of Fedora Core will allow the creation of this reserved
space on existing file systems.
o The version of glibc provided with Fedora Core 3 performs additional
internal sanity checks to prevent and detect data corruption as early
as possible. By default, should corruption be detected, a message
similar to the following will be displayed on standard error (or
logged via syslog if stderr is not open):
*** glibc detected *** double free or corruption: 0x0937d008 ***
By default, the program that generated this error will also be killed;
however, this (and whether or not an error message is generated) can
be controlled via the MALLOC_CHECK_ environment variable. The
following settings are supported:
o 0 -- Do not generate an error message, and do not kill the
o 1 -- Generate an error message, but do not kill the program
o 2 -- Do not generate an error message, but kill the program
o 3 -- Generate an error message and kill the program
If MALLOC_CHECK_ is explicitly set a value other than 0, this causes
glibc to perform more tests that are more extensive than the default,
and may impact performance.
Should you have a program from a third party ISV that triggers these
corruption checks and displays a message, you should file a defect
report with the application's vendor, since this indicates a serious
The location where hotplug expects firmware to be loaded into (for
example, firmware for Cardbus cards) has changed from
/usr/lib/hotplug/firmware to /lib/firmware. Existing firmware files must
be moved into the new directory.
o In the past, the process of updating the kernel did not change the
default kernel in the system's boot loader configuration.
Fedora Core 3 changes this behavior to set newly-installed kernels as
the default. This behavior applies to all installation methods
(including rpm -i).
This behavior is controlled by two lines in the /etc/sysconfig/kernel
o UPGRADEDEFAULT -- Controls whether new kernels will be booted by
default (default value: yes)
o DEFAULTKERNEL -- kernel RPMs whose names match this value will be
booted by default (default value: depends on hardware
o In order to eliminate the redundancy inherent in providing a separate
package for the kernel source code when that source code already
exists in the kernel's .src.rpm file, Fedora Core 3 no longer includes
the kernel-source package. Users that require access to the kernel
sources can find them in the kernel .src.rpm file. To create an
exploded source tree from this file, perform the following steps (note
that <version> refers to the version specification for your
currently-running kernel):
1. Obtain the kernel-<version>.src.rpm file from one of the
following sources:
o The SRPMS directory on the appropriate "SRPMS" CD iso image
o The FTP site where you got the kernel package
o By running the following command:
up2date --get-source kernel
2. Install kernel-<version>.src.rpm (given the default RPM
configuration, the files this package contains will be written to
3. Change directory to /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/, and issue the
following command:
rpmbuild -bp --target=<arch> kernel.spec
(Where <arch> is the desired target architecture.)
On a default RPM configuration, the kernel tree will be located
in /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/.
4. In resulting tree, the configurations for the specific kernels
shipped in Fedora Core 3 are in the /configs/ directory. For
example, the i686 SMP configuration file is named
/configs/kernel-<version>-i686-smp.config. Issue the following
command to place the desired configuration file in the proper
place for building:
cp <desired-file> ./.config
5. Issue the following command:
make oldconfig
You can then proceed as usual.
An exploded source tree is not required to build kernel modules
against the currently in-use kernel.
For example, to build the foo.ko module, create the following file
(named Makefile) in the directory containing the foo.c file:
obj-m := foo.o
KDIR := /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build
PWD := $(shell pwd)
$(MAKE) -C $(KDIR) SUBDIRS=$(PWD) modules
Issue the make command to build the foo.ko module.
o I[2]O SCSI RAID adapters from manufacturers such as Adaptec now use
the i2o_block driver, rather than the dpt_i2o driver used by Fedora
Core 1 and earlier distributions.
Be aware that block devices used by the i2o_block driver are
/dev/i2o/hd* rather than the /dev/sd* SCSI devices. This may be
problematic for those upgrading from older distributions that used the
dpt_i2o driver. Therefore, after an upgrade to Fedora Core 3, you may
need to boot using a rescue disk and edit your /etc/fstab file to use
the new devices.
For more information about the new I[2]O device layer and Fedora
Core-specific notes, visit the I[2]O homepage:
Language Support
This section includes information related to the support of various
languages under Fedora Core.
o The default Input Method (IM) for Chinese (Simplified and
Traditional), Japanese, and Korean has been changed to IIIMF -- the
Internet/Intranet Input Method Framework. IIIMF is supported as a
native GTK2 IM module, and also through XIM using the httx client.
IIIMF supports the use of multiple Language Engines (LEs) at the same
time; using the GNOME Input Method Language Engine Tool (GIMLET -- an
applet) it is possible to switch between LEs of different languages
inside GTK2 applications.
IIIMF currently defaults to using Ctrl-Space or Shift-Space for
toggling the input method on and off (Emacs users can use Ctrl-@
instead of Ctrl-Space to set the mark.)
Depending on your selection at the language support screen during
installation, one or more IIIMF language engines may be installed. The
IIIMF server package (iiimf-server) will also be installed if a
language engine has been selected. The language to language engine
(LE) package mappings are as follows:
o ja_JP -- iiimf-le-canna
o zh_CN -- iiimf-le-chinput
o zh_TW -- iiimf-le-xcin
o ko_KR -- iiimf-le-hangul
o {bn,gu,pa,ta,hi}_IN -- iiimf-le-unit
Accordingly, input via IIIMF will be enabled if you have chosen one of
the following as your default locale:
o ja_JP
o zh_CN
o zh_TW
o ko_KR
o {bn,gu,pa,ta,hi}_IN
To aid your use of IIIMF, if you have selected one of the above
locales and you are using the GNOME Desktop, when you first login the
GIMLET utility (part of the iiimf-gnome-im-switcher package) will
automatically be added to your panel.
GIMLET is a utility for switching between the different LEs that are
installed on your system. Using a different language engine allows you
to enter text in different languages. Alternatively you may add GIMLET
manually to your panel by right clicking on the panel and selecting:
Add to Panel -> GIMLET
Should you wish to switch between IIIMF or the legacy input method
framework XIM, you can use the system-switch-im application. After
changing the input method framework your changes will be reflected
when you next start the X Window System.
Mail Server
This section contains information related to the mail transport agents
included with Fedora Core.
Earlier mailman RPMs installed all files under the /var/mailman/
directory. Unfortunately, this did not conform to the Filesystem Hierarchy
Standard (FHS) and also created security violations when SELinux was
If you previously had mailman installed and had edited files in
/var/mailman/ (such as mm_cfg.py) you must move those changes to their new
location, as documented in the following file:
o By default, the Sendmail mail transport agent (MTA) does not accept
network connections from any host other than the local computer. If
you want to configure Sendmail as a server for other clients, you must
edit /etc/mail/sendmail.mc and change the DAEMON_OPTIONS line to also
listen on network devices (or comment out this option entirely using
the dnl comment delimiter). You must then regenerate
/etc/mail/sendmail.cf by running the following command (as root):
make -C /etc/mail
Note that you must have the sendmail-cf package installed for this to
Server Configuration Tools
This section contains information related to various server configuration
The firewall constructed by the system-config-securitylevel configuration
tool now allows CUPS and Multicast DNS (mDNS) browsing. Note that, at the
present time, these services cannot be disabled by
Sound and Video
This section contains information related to multimedia applications.
Past users of the CD/DVD burning application k3b may notice that the
program k3bsetup is missing. This is because k3bsetup is not necessary
under Fedora Core 3.
Web Server
This section contains information related to Web-related tools.
The certwatch(1) tool has been added to the crypto-utils package. This
tool is used to send warning mail to root when any configured SSL
certificates have expired or are approaching the expiration date. By
default, the tool checks any certificates that are enabled in the mod_ssl
By default, the httpd daemon is now started using the C locale, rather
than using the configured system locale setting. This behavior can be
changed by setting the HTTPD_LANG variable in the /etc/sysconfig/httpd
The gd, mbstring, and ncurses extensions have been moved to the php-gd,
php-mbstring, and php-ncurses packages, respectively. Note that you will
need to install these packages manually (if required) when upgrading from
an earlier release.
Windows File Server
This section contains information related to Samba, software that makes it
possible to share files between Linux and Windows systems.
Browsing of Windows shares (also known as SMB browsing) fails on Fedora
Core 3 systems that have the standard firewall configured. This is most
easily noticed in the failure of Nautilus to display shares. The failure
is due to the firewall disrupting the broadcast mode of SMB browsing,
which is Samba's default setting. There are two workarounds:
o Configure a WINS server on the network, and set the "wins server"
option in smb.conf to the address of the WINS server.
o Disable the firewall
Depending on your system and network configurations, disabling the
firewall can greatly increase the chance of your system being attacked and
compromised. Make sure you fully understand the risks before undertaking
this step.
For additional information, refer to the following bug report:
X Window System
This section contains information related to the X Window System
implementation provided with Fedora Core.
o Users new to the X.org X11 implementation should take note of a few
differences between it and the XFree86.org X11 implementation which
shipped in previous Red Hat operating systems. In particular, the
names of some files have changed:
X Server Binary:
o XFree86 X11: XFree86
o X.org X11: Xorg
X Server Configuration File:
o XFree86 X11: /etc/X11/XF86Config
o X.org X11: /etc/X11/xorg.conf
X Server Log File
o XFree86 X11: /var/log/XFree86.$DISPLAY.log
o X.org X11: /var/log/Xorg.$DISPLAY.log
When configuring or troubleshooting your X server configuration, be
sure that you are using the correct files.
o There has been some confusion regarding font-related issues under the
X Window System in recent versions of Fedora Core (and versions of Red
Hat Linux before it.) At the present time, there are two font
subsystems, each with different characteristics:
- The original (15+ year old) subsystem is referred to as the "core X
font subsystem". Fonts rendered by this subsystem are not
anti-aliased, are handled by the X server, and have names like:
The newer font subsystem is known as "fontconfig", and allows
applications direct access to the font files. Fontconfig is often used
along with the "Xft" library, which allows applications to render
fontconfig fonts to the screen with antialiasing. Fontconfig uses more
human-friendly names like:
Luxi Sans-10
Over time, fontconfig/Xft will replace the core X font subsystem. At
the present time, applications using the Qt 3 or GTK 2 toolkits (which
would include KDE and GNOME applications) use the fontconfig and Xft
font subsystem; most everything else uses the core X fonts.
In the future, Fedora Core may support only fontconfig/Xft in place of
the XFS font server as the default local font access method.
NOTE: An exception to the font subsystem usage outlined above is
OpenOffice.org (which uses its own font rendering technology).
If you wish to add new fonts to your Fedora Core 3 system, you must be
aware that the steps necessary depend on which font subsystem is to
use the new fonts. For the core X font subsystem, you must:
1. Create the /usr/share/fonts/local/ directory (if it doesn't already
mkdir /usr/share/fonts/local/
2. Copy the new font file into /usr/share/fonts/local/
3. Update the font information by issuing the following commands (note
that, due to formatting restrictions, the following commands may
appear on more than one line; in use, each command should be entered
on a single line):
ttmkfdir -d /usr/share/fonts/local/ -o
mkfontdir /usr/share/fonts/local/
4. If you had to create /usr/share/fonts/local/, you must then add it
to the X font server (xfs) path:
chkfontpath --add /usr/share/fonts/local/
Adding new fonts to the fontconfig font subsystem is more
straightforward; the new font file only needs to be copied into the
/usr/share/fonts/ directory (individual users can modify their
personal font configuration by copying the font file into the
~/.fonts/ directory).
After the new font has been copied, use fc-cache to update the font
information cache:
fc-cache <directory>
(Where <directory> would be either the /usr/share/fonts/ or ~/.fonts/
Individual users may also install fonts graphically, by browsing
fonts:/// in Nautilus, and dragging the new font files there.
NOTE: If the font filename ends with ".gz", it has been compressed
with gzip, and must be decompressed (with the gunzip command) before
the fontconfig font subsystem can use the font.
o Due to the transition to the new font system based on fontconfig/Xft,
GTK+ 1.2 applications are not affected by any changes made via the
Font Preferences dialog. For these applications, a font can be
configured by adding the following lines to the file ~/.gtkrc.mine:
style "user-font" {
fontset = "<font-specification>"
widget_class "*" style "user-font"
(Where <font-specification> represents a font specification in the
style used by traditional X applications, such as
Miscellaneous Notes
This section contains information related to packages that do not fit in
any of the proceeding categories.
C++ and TCL bindings are no longer contained in the compat-db package.
Applications requiring these bindings must be ported to the
currently-shipping DB library.
The nscd name service cache daemon may now maintain a persistent cache
across restarts or system reboots. Each database (user, group, and host,
respectively) can be made selected to be persistent by setting the
appropriate line in /etc/nscd.conf to "yes". Entries are not removed from
the cache until they are proven to be no longer of interest. All entries
whose time-to-live expires but are otherwise interesting are automatically
reloaded, which helps in situations where the directory and name services
become temporarily unavailable.
The nscd name service daemon is also able to communicate faster with
client programs. This feature must be enabled explicitly by setting the
"shared" entry for the appropriate database in /etc/nscd.conf to "yes".
Fedora Core 3 has switched from a static /dev/ directory to one that is
dynamically managed via udev. This allows device nodes to be created on
demand as drivers are loaded.
For more information on udev, refer to the udev(8) man page and the
following link:
Additional rules for udev should be placed in a separate file in the
/etc/udev/rules.d/ directory.
Additional permission rules for udev should be placed in a separate file
in the /etc/udev/permissions.d/ directory.
Systems upgraded to Fedora Core 3 using Anaconda will automatically be
reconfigured to use udev. However (although NOT recommended) it is
possible to perform a "live" upgrade to udev using the following steps:
1. Ensure that you are running a 2.6 kernel
2. Ensure that /sys/ is mounted
3. Install the initscripts RPM supplied with Fedora Core 3
4. Install the new udev RPM supplied with Fedora Core 3
5. Execute /sbin/start_udev
6. Install the new mkinitrd RPM supplied with Fedora Core 3
7. Perform one of the following steps:
. Install the new kernel RPM supplied with Fedora Core 3
. Re-run mkinitrd for your existing kernel(s)
Improperly performing these steps can result in a system configuration
that will not boot properly.
Packages Added/Removed/Deprecated
This section contains lists of packages that fit into the following
o Packages that have been added to Fedora Core 3
o Packages that have been removed from Fedora Core 3
o Packages that have been deprecated, and may be removed from a future
release of Fedora Core
Packages Added
The following packages have been added to Fedora Core 3:
o Canna-libs (i386)
o FreeWnn-libs (i386)
o HelixPlayer
o ImageMagick (i386)
o ImageMagick-c++ (i386)
o NetworkManager
o NetworkManager-gnome
o Omni (i386)
o Pyrex
o SDL (i386)
o SDL_image (i386)
o SDL_mixer (i386)
o SDL_net (i386)
o VFlib2 (i386)
o Xaw3d (i386)
o aiksaurus (i386)
o aiksaurus (x86_64)
o aiksaurus-devel
o aiksaurus-gtk (i386)
o aiksaurus-gtk (x86_64)
o aiksaurus-gtk-devel
o alchemist (i386)
o alsa-lib (i386)
o apr (i386)
o arptables_jf
o arts (i386)
o aspell (i386)
o aspell-af
o aspell-bg
o aspell-br
o aspell-ca
o aspell-cs
o aspell-cy
o aspell-el
o aspell-fo
o aspell-ga
o aspell-gd
o aspell-gl
o aspell-hr
o aspell-ia
o aspell-id
o aspell-it
o aspell-pl
o at-spi (i386)
o audiofile (i386)
o audit
o authd
o beecrypt (i386)
o bind-libs (i386)
o blas (i386)
o bluez-libs (i386)
o bluez-utils-cups
o bogl (i386)
o boost (i386)
o bzflag
o cdparanoia-libs (i386)
o compat-db (i386)
o compat-gcc (x86_64)
o compat-gcc-c++ (x86_64)
o compat-gcc-g77
o compat-gcc-java
o compat-gcc-objc
o compat-libgcj
o compat-libgcj-devel
o compat-libstdc++ (x86_64)
o compat-libstdc++-devel (x86_64)
o compat-openldap (i386)
o compat-openldap (x86_64)
o compat-slang
o crash
o createrepo
o crypto-utils
o cscope
o curl (i386)
o cyrus-sasl-gssapi (i386)
o cyrus-sasl-md5 (i386)
o cyrus-sasl-ntlm (i386)
o cyrus-sasl-ntlm (x86_64)
o cyrus-sasl-plain (i386)
o cyrus-sasl-sql (i386)
o cyrus-sasl-sql (x86_64)
o dasher
o db4-java
o dbh (i386)
o dbus (i386)
o dbus-glib (i386)
o dbus-python
o device-mapper (i386)
o dhcpv6
o dhcpv6_client
o diskdumputils
o distcache (i386)
o dmraid
o docbook-simple
o docbook-slides
o ecj
o eel2 (i386)
o elfutils (i386)
o elfutils-libelf (i386)
o emacspeak
o epiphany-devel
o eruby-libs (i386)
o esound (i386)
o evolution-connector
o evolution-data-server (i386)
o evolution-data-server (x86_64)
o evolution-data-server-devel
o evolution-webcal
o fedora-release
o festival
o firefox
o flac (i386)
o fonts-xorg-100dpi
o fonts-xorg-75dpi
o fonts-xorg-ISO8859-14-100dpi
o fonts-xorg-ISO8859-14-75dpi
o fonts-xorg-ISO8859-15-100dpi
o fonts-xorg-ISO8859-15-75dpi
o fonts-xorg-ISO8859-2-100dpi
o fonts-xorg-ISO8859-2-75dpi
o fonts-xorg-ISO8859-9-100dpi
o fonts-xorg-ISO8859-9-75dpi
o fonts-xorg-base
o fonts-xorg-cyrillic
o fonts-xorg-syriac
o fonts-xorg-truetype
o freeglut (i386)
o fribidi (i386)
o g-wrap (i386)
o gail (i386)
o gamin (i386)
o gamin (x86_64)
o gamin-devel
o gcc4
o gcc4-c++
o gcc4-gfortran
o gd (i386)
o gda-mysql
o gda-odbc
o gda-postgres
o gdk-pixbuf (i386)
o gettext-devel
o ghostscript (i386)
o gimp-print (i386)
o glib (i386)
o gmp (i386)
o gnome-desktop (i386)
o gnome-keyring (i386)
o gnome-keyring-manager
o gnome-mag (i386)
o gnome-nettool
o gnome-panel (i386)
o gnome-speech (i386)
o gnome-spell (i386)
o gnome-volume-manager
o gnuplot-emacs
o gnutls (i386)
o gnutls (x86_64)
o gnutls-devel
o gok-devel
o gphoto2 (i386)
o gpm (i386)
o gsl (i386)
o gstreamer (i386)
o gtk+ (i386)
o gtk-engines (i386)
o gtk2-engines (i386)
o gtkhtml2 (i386)
o gtkhtml3 (i386)
o gtksourceview (i386)
o gtkspell (i386)
o guile (i386)
o hal (i386)
o hal (x86_64)
o hal-cups-utils
o hal-devel
o hal-gnome
o hesiod (i386)
o howl
o howl-devel
o howl-libs (i386)
o howl-libs (x86_64)
o httpd-suexec
o iiimf-gnome-im-switcher
o iiimf-le-chinput
o iiimf-le-sun-thai
o iiimf-libs
o iiimf-libs-devel
o imlib (i386)
o java-1.4.2-gcj-compat
o java-1.4.2-gcj-compat-devel
o jpackage-utils
o katana
o katana-build
o kde-i18n-Bulgarian
o kdeaddons-xmms
o kdebase (i386)
o kdelibs (i386)
o kdemultimedia (i386)
o kdenetwork-nowlistening
o kdewebdev
o kdewebdev-devel
o kinput2
o krb5-auth-dialog
o lapack (i386)
o lesstif (i386)
o libaio (i386)
o libao (i386)
o libavc1394 (i386)
o libbonoboui (i386)
o libbtctl (i386)
o libbtctl-devel
o libc-client (i386)
o libcap (i386)
o libcroco (i386)
o libdbi (i386)
o libdv (i386)
o libesmtp (i386)
o libexif (i386)
o libf2c (i386)
o libgail-gnome (i386)
o libgal2 (i386)
o libgcrypt (i386)
o libgda (i386)
o libgda (x86_64)
o libgda-devel
o libgfortran (i386)
o libgfortran (x86_64)
o libghttp (i386)
o libglade2 (i386)
o libgnat
o libgnome (i386)
o libgnomecanvas (i386)
o libgnomedb (i386)
o libgnomedb (x86_64)
o libgnomedb-devel
o libgnomeprint22 (i386)
o libgnomeprintui22 (i386)
o libgnomeui (i386)
o libgpg-error (i386)
o libgsf (i386)
o libgtop2 (i386)
o libidn (i386)
o libidn (x86_64)
o libidn-devel
o libieee1284 (i386)
o libmng (i386)
o libmudflap (i386)
o libmudflap (x86_64)
o libmudflap-devel
o libmusicbrainz (i386)
o libofx (i386)
o libogg (i386)
o libpcap (i386)
o libpng10 (i386)
o libraw1394 (i386)
o librsvg2 (i386)
o libsepol (i386)
o libsepol (x86_64)
o libsepol-devel
o libsilc
o libsilc-devel
o libsilc-doc
o libsoup (i386)
o libtabe (i386)
o libtermcap (i386)
o libtheora (i386)
o libtheora (x86_64)
o libtheora-devel
o libtool-libs (i386)
o libtool-libs13 (i386)
o libungif (i386)
o libusb (i386)
o libuser (i386)
o libvorbis (i386)
o libwmf (i386)
o libwmf (x86_64)
o libwmf-devel
o libwnck (i386)
o libwpd (i386)
o libwvstreams (i386)
o libxfce4mcs (i386)
o libxfce4util (i386)
o libxfcegui4 (i386)
o libxklavier (i386)
o libxslt (i386)
o linuxwacom
o linuxwacom-devel
o lm_sensors (i386)
o lockdev (i386)
o memtest86+
o mikmod (i386)
o mikmod-devel
o mod_authz_ldap
o module-init-tools
o mozilla-nspr (i386)
o mozilla-nss (i386)
o mysql (i386)
o nautilus-cd-burner-devel
o neon (i386)
o net-snmp-libs (i386)
o net-snmp-libs (x86_64)
o netpbm (i386)
o newt (i386)
o newt-perl
o nss_db (i386)
o numactl
o octave (i386)
o octave-devel
o openh323 (i386)
o openhbci (i386)
o openjade (i386)
o openldap-servers-sql
o openmotif (i386)
o openmotif21
o openobex (i386)
o openssl096b (i386)
o openswan
o ots (i386)
o pam_ccreds (i386)
o pam_ccreds (x86_64)
o pam_passwdqc (i386)
o pam_passwdqc (x86_64)
o pcre (i386)
o perl (i386)
o php-gd
o php-mbstring
o php-ncurses
o pilot-link (i386)
o postgresql-libs (i386)
o pwlib (i386)
o python-ldap
o qt (i386)
o qt-config
o readline (i386)
o redhat-artwork (i386)
o redhat-lsb (x86_64)
o rpm-libs
o ruby-libs (i386)
o samba-common (i386)
o sane-backends (i386)
o scrollkeeper (i386)
o selinux-policy-strict
o selinux-policy-strict-sources
o selinux-policy-targeted
o selinux-policy-targeted-sources
o sg3_utils
o slang (i386)
o speex (i386)
o synaptics
o sysfsutils
o sysfsutils-devel
o system-switch-im
o tcl (i386)
o tclx (i386)
o tcp_wrappers (i386)
o theora-tools
o thunderbird
o tk (i386)
o tn5250
o tn5250-devel
o totem
o ttfonts-bn
o ttfonts-gu
o ttfonts-hi
o ttfonts-pa
o ttfonts-ta
o unixODBC (i386)
o unixODBC-kde (i386)
o utempter (i386)
o valgrind
o valgrind-callgrind
o vino
o vte (i386)
o w3c-libwww (i386)
o xfce4-iconbox
o xfce4-systray
o xffm-icons
o xfprint
o xmlsec1 (i386)
o xmlsec1-openssl (i386)
o xorg-x11-Xdmx
o xorg-x11-deprecated-libs (i386)
o xorg-x11-deprecated-libs (x86_64)
o xorg-x11-deprecated-libs-devel
Packages Removed
The following packages have been removed from Fedora Core 3:
o FreeWnn-common
o Gtk-Perl
o Wnn6-SDK
o Wnn6-SDK-devel
o ac-archive
o anaconda-images
o ant
o ant-core
o ant-devel
o ant-optional
o aspell-pt_BR
o bcel
o bcel-devel
o bluez-pan
o bluez-sdp
o bluez-sdp-devel
o chromium
o commons-beanutils
o commons-beanutils-devel
o commons-collections
o commons-collections-devel
o commons-dbcp
o commons-dbcp-devel
o commons-digester
o commons-digester-devel
o commons-fileupload
o commons-fileupload-devel
o commons-logging
o commons-logging-devel
o commons-modeler
o commons-modeler-devel
o commons-pool
o commons-pool-devel
o compat-gcc-g77
o comps
o cup
o cup-devel
o dev
o devlabel
o dvdrecord
o fam (i386)
o fam (x86_64)
o fam-devel
o fedora-release
o gcc-gnat
o gcc34
o gcc34-c++
o gcc34-java
o glade
o gqview
o gtkam
o gtkam-gimp
o gtkglarea
o iiimf-client-lib
o iiimf-client-lib-devel
o iiimf-le-inpinyin
o iiimf-le-newpy
o iiimf-protocol-lib
o iiimf-protocol-lib-devel
o imlib-cfgeditor
o iscsi
o jaf
o jaf-devel
o jakarta-regexp
o jakarta-regexp-devel
o javamail
o javamail-devel
o junit
o junit-devel
o kde-i18n-Korean
o kde-i18n-Lithuanian
o kernel-source
o kinput2-canna-wnn6
o libgcj34
o libgcj34-devel
o libgnat
o libgnomeprint
o libgnomeprint-devel
o libgnomeprintui
o libgnomeprintui-devel
o libole2
o libole2-devel
o librep
o librep-devel
o libstdc++34
o libstdc++34-devel
o licq
o licq-gnome
o licq-kde
o licq-qt
o licq-text
o linc
o linc-devel
o lvm
o magicdev
o mod_jk2
o modutils
o mx4j
o mx4j-devel
o mx4j-tools
o mysql-jdbc
o mysql-jdbc-tomcat
o ncurses-c++-devel
o njamd
o nss_db-compat
o pidentd
o policy
o policy-sources
o policy-strict-sources
o printman
o python-optik
o quanta
o quanta-devel
o raidtools
o redhat-java-rpm-scripts
o rep-gtk
o samba (i386)
o sawfish
o servletapi
o servletapi-devel
o shapecfg
o struts
o struts-webapps
o system-config-proc
o tomcat
o tomcat-devel
o tomcat-libs
o tomcat-test
o unarj
o xalan-j
o xalan-j-devel
o xalan-j-xsltc
o xerces-j
o xerces-j-devel
o xffm-icons
o xorg-x11-100dpi-fonts
o xorg-x11-75dpi-fonts
o xorg-x11-ISO8859-14-100dpi-fonts
o xorg-x11-ISO8859-14-75dpi-fonts
o xorg-x11-ISO8859-15-100dpi-fonts
o xorg-x11-ISO8859-15-75dpi-fonts
o xorg-x11-ISO8859-2-100dpi-fonts
o xorg-x11-ISO8859-2-75dpi-fonts
o xorg-x11-ISO8859-9-100dpi-fonts
o xorg-x11-ISO8859-9-75dpi-fonts
o xorg-x11-base-fonts
o xorg-x11-cyrillic-fonts
o xorg-x11-libs-data
o xorg-x11-syriac-fonts
o xorg-x11-truetype-fonts
Packages Deprecated
The following packages have been deprecated, and may be removed from a
future release of Fedora Core:
o dbskkd-cdb -- Only used by deprecated package skkinput
o FreeWnn -- Only used by deprecated package kinput2-canna-wnn6
o miniChinput -- IIIMF is the recommended input method
o nabi -- IIIMF is the recommended input method
o ncpfs -- No longer part of Fedora Core profile
o skkinput -- IIIMF is the recommended input method
o xcin -- IIIMF is the recommended input method
An Overview of the Fedora Project
The goal of the Fedora Project is to work with the Linux community to
build a complete, general-purpose operating system exclusively from open
source software. Development will be done in a public forum. The project
will produce time-based releases of Fedora Core about 2-3 times a year,
with a public release schedule. The Red Hat engineering team will continue
to participate in building Fedora Core and will invite and encourage more
outside participation than was possible in the past. By using this more
open process, we hope to provide an operating system more in line with the
ideals of free software and more appealing to the open source community.
For more information, refer to the Fedora Project website:
In addition to the website, the following mailing lists are available:
o fedora-list(a)redhat.com -- For users of Fedora Core releases
o fedora-test-list(a)redhat.com -- For testers of Fedora Core test
o fedora-devel-list(a)redhat.com -- For developers, developers, developers
o fedora-docs-list(a)redhat.com -- For participants of the docs project
To subscribe to any of these lists, send an email with the word
"subscribe" in the subject to <listname>-request (where <listname> is one
of the above list names.)
NOTE: If you have subscribed in the past to rhl-list, rhl-beta-list,
rhl-devel-list, or rhl-docs-list, your subscriptions have been retained.
The Fedora Project also includes an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) channel. IRC
is a real-time, text-based form of communication. With it, you can have
conversations with multiple people in an open channel or chat with someone
privately one-on-one.
To talk with other Fedora Project participants via IRC, access freenode
IRC network. Initially, you can use irc.freenode.net as the IRC server,
although you may decide to select a server that is geographically closer
to you. Refer to the freenode website ([11]http://www.freenode.net/) for
more information. Fedora Project participants frequent the #fedora
channel, while Fedora Project developers can often be found on the
#fedora-devel channel. Some of the larger projects may have their own
channels as well; this information can be found on the project pages.
NOTE: Red Hat has no control over the Fedora IRC channels or their
( x86_64 )
Visible links
1. http://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl.html
2. http://fedora.redhat.com/docs/selinux-faq/
3. http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-desktop-list/2004-June/msg00007.html
4. http://mail.gnome.org/archives/desktop-devel-list/2004-June/msg00370.html
5. http://platan.vc.cvut.cz/ftp/pub/vmware/
6. http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=119474
7. http://i2o.shadowconnect.com/
8. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=133478
9. http://people.redhat.com/~harald/udev.html
10. http://fedora.redhat.com/
11. http://www.freenode.net/
----- End forwarded message -----
Mandrake 10.1 Official is now available for download and/or FTP install,
but the ISOs (GPL) won't be available on the mirrors for 3 weeks. I
scoured for them and found them here, in case anyone's interested:
It took a couple connection attempts (I assume they're limiting
connections), but now I have two ISOs maxing out my cable modem at 395
KB/s. Finding the official md5sums and checking the images are an
exercise left to the reader.
Brian J. Conway
"LINUX is obsolete"
- Andrew S. Tanenbaum, creator of Minix - Jan 29, 1992