Hi Doug,
I tried fdisk /mbr and it worked easily. As expected, I only have a
windows partition (verified by fdisk). I suspect that I'm less than
halfway there.
>> This morning, I read that it shouldn't be used on disks that have more
>> than four partitions. I have five partitions and some unclaimed space.
>> I might try it later today.
> I don't know where that came from.
It came from ms. Maybe they're just playin' with our heads.
> However, once that is working, you can boot into your linux system (by
> one of the ways I mentioned in an earlier post, and run LILO which is
> smart enough to leave the Windows part working and simply add the stuff
> for other things you want to boot (as specified in lilo.conf --- which
> I assume is OK if it was working earlier and you have not edited it).
No, there's no lilo.conf and never was one on that installation. There is
(was) a grub/menu.lst, which serves the same function, but as far as I
understand it, the partition table needs to contain information about
linux partitions for either of these to work.
I went ahead and booted the rescue system and tried a grub-install
/dev/hda, and it returned a message saying that no /dev/root was found.
Maybe I'll try parted again, now that I can find where hda1 ends.