Howdy, y'all.
I'm just inches away from using my wikkid new Fujitsu notebook as a DVD
player. After solving the seemingly difficult problems of playing a
movie in the first place (xine), playing an encrypted DVD (libdvdcss),
getting hardware scaling to work on my ATI (gatos), and enabling the
S-video output (atitvout), I'm left with the final daunting challenge:
Turning off the #!$@ screen saver!
I've tried the following (in this order):
setterm -blank 0
setterm -powersave off
setterm -powerdown 0
xset s off
xset s noblank
xset -dpms
apm -i (a long shot, which is not compiled in my version)
Still my video goes out every 5 minutes. WTF? I don't who or what is
turning off my screen, and for what motive. But their treachery must be
stopped! Surely someone on this list has the knowledge I need to restore
Chuck Homic