HI everybody,
Our next meeting shall be held in Kinnicutt Hall on the WPI campus on
Wednesday, September 10th, at 7:00 PM. Note that this location is not the
same as last month. This is the room that we generally use for our meetings.
At this meeting, the topic will be "An Introduction to Linux for Newcomers",
and the intended audience is people who do not know much (if anything) about
Linux, but do have experience with computers and perhaps Windows.
I'll prepare some slides and discuss the following topics (and perhaps more):
o What is Linux?
o Origins of Linux
o Software licensing
o Computer requirements (memory, disk space, etc)
o How to obtain a copy of Linux
o How to "test drive" Linux without messing up my computer
o More...
o Q/A session during the meeting and afterwards
o Demo of a single CD version of Linux which won't modify your existing files
on the C: drive
o Giveaway: copies of a single CD version of Linux (probably Knoppix and/or
Suse Live Eval - can somebody help me burn a few copies?)
Bring your friends - let's see if we can get them to at least "kick the tires"
on Linux.
After the meeting, we'll adjourn to the Boynton Restaurant for pizza and beer.
See ya there!
Andy Stewart, Founder
Worcester Linux Users' Group
Worcester, MA USA
OS: Red Hat 9
Q1: sendmail...
I have my sendmail configured to masquerade my outgoing email with my
cable ISP's domain (charter.net) However, I have not found out how
to convert my local username to the username I have at my ISP. Any
BTW, I've configured Pine just fine for this. I'd just like take the
extra step and have sendmail take care of all mailer utilities.
Q2: CUPS...
What's the best/right way to upgrade from LPRng to CUPS?
I understand that HP printers work better under CUPS. True or False?