On Wed, 23 May 2007, ken jones wrote:
> I got HAPPYMEAL to work. My sparc64 is on the WEB!
> Here is result of ls -lad /etc/make.profile
> ----------snip----------
> kjones-sun2 ~ # ls -lad /etc/make.profile
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 58 May 17 12:45 /etc/make.profile ->
> ../usr/portage/profiles/default-linux/sparc/sparc64/2006.1
> -----------end snip---------
> Here is result of emerge xorg-x11: How do I install from the tar.bz
> file? What is gentoo's equivalent of Red Hat's rpm?
That's what gentoo's portage system (via the "emerge" command) does
for you - downloads the tarballs, builds, installs, and keeps a record
of what's installed under /var/db/pkg/<category>/<package>/ . Well,
when it works. :)
Look at /usr/portage/media-libs/libpng/*.ebuild, its fairly easy to
get the gist of it if you know shell syntax.
Did you do "emerge --sync" like some others suggested?
I see a few libpng versions available, up to 1.2.16,
$ ls /usr/portage/media-libs/libpng/*.ebuild
> --------------snip-------------
> Lastly, how do you know that HAPPYMEAL is in the sun-hme module? Where
> is the information indicating the functionality contained in each module?
In the "make menuconfig" [Help] items. Also in menuconfig, you can
search all the help text by typing "/" and entering some text.
Generally, once you have your system configured to your satisfaction,
you keep a copy of the kernel .config, and use that the next time you
upgrade the kernel by copying it to the new kernel tree and doing
"make oldconfig".