Sorry for the short notice, but we found some more stuff while gathering
equipment for tonight's meeting! If you're interested in something for
the meeting, please let me know before 5:30pm.
5 dec hubs/repeaters (only 3 power supplies)
3 button mouse
P133 CPU w/ fan
random sealed card (NVRAM board I think) and memory for a PIX 10000 firewall.
software: (windows, sorry...)
shrinkwrapped box, "CD-ROM Bundle" - "Encyclopedia 6 Titles Bundle:
(1-4) Mindscape CD Deluxe 4 Pack includes: * Chessmaster 4000, * Mavis
Beacon Teaches Typing! v3.0, * U.S. Atlas v5.0, * World Atlas v5.0, (5)
The San Diego Zoo: The Animals! v2.0, (6) Compton's Encyclopedia 1997
Computers, Ethics & Social Values edited by Johnson and Nissenbaum.
c.1995 Prentice Hall
Randomly Generated Tagline:
Linux: Because a PC is a terrible thing to waste.
(By komarimf(a), Mark Komarinski)