The power went out here twice today. After the second event, monitor seems
to have died.
This is an Acer monitor, several years old. Black(ish) bezel; not glossy.
Flat screen, I think 19" diagonal. Has been a very nice reliable monitor
during its working life. Has choice of DVI input or the older kind of data
connection, whatever that used to be.
This specific batch of Acer monitors had used a type of capacitor which is
known to have a higher-than-usual failure rate, and this is PROBABLY what
it needs. Had a twin of this that fryolated same way 2 years ago, and a
WLUG member came by & reported shortly after that he got it up & running
with just the replacement of bad caps.
This monitor has been very steady and reliable until this afternoon, with
nice display and no dead pixels, ever. So if you are handy with electronics
fixits, capacitors are cheap and you could probably get this working again
with only a screwdriver, a soldering iron and a little bit of fiddling.
Might be nice for the kid's playroom or the back office, or something.
I don't know how nice games look on this monitor, since I don't do gaming.
Videos always looked perfectly fine with good color.
PM me if you think you want this, since I have to get down under the work
table to unplug the power cord & I'm not as spry as I used to be, but can
do as long as my knees aren't required to do anything radical before Noon.
Pickup after Noon any day, & evenings even sort-of late-ish are okay. I can
meet you at the door with this. I'm in Worcester near Elm Park.
Rather give this away here than trash it, or Freecycle... first dibs to
Best wishes,
Liz J