To boot to single user mode type "boot -s" at the ok prompt:
ok> boot -s
-----Original Message-----
From: wlug-bounces(a) [] On
Behalf Of Theo Van Dinter
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2005 10:21 PM
To: Worcester Linux Users Group
Subject: Re: [Wlug] Message for Chuck
On Fri, Jul 22, 2005 at 07:04:29PM -0700, Mike Leo wrote:
> This is my first venture into Sun, but this is running
> Aurora right now anyway.
Oh. In that case, you can probably boot into single user mode, or my
of passing "init=/bin/sh" to the kernel, and edit shadow. ;) The live
CD or
whatever is good too.
> What is sync, sync, mean?
"sync" is a command that suggests to the OS that it ought to flush its
disk buffers out to the actual disk. A habit I picked up a while ago
to do two or three of them in a row before doing something to the
such as rebooting, doing the ol' Stop-A/disconnect disk/go trick on the
Sparc, etc. It's not normally needed, but just something I do for good
measure in certain cirumstances. ;)
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Zapp: The spirit is willing but the flesh is spongey and bruised.