Hi again
Just got the latest PC Magazine and I note that my
table of CD/DVD acronyms (plagarized from PC World)
is already out of date. :-)
Now we have CD-MRW where the M refers to Mount Ranier.
Although "there have been no specific announcements
of DVD+MRW drives yet, Phillips recently proposed
an addition ...
The Sony DRU-500A apparently ships with Mount Ranier.
(The Mount Ranier format put a Main defect table in
the Lead-in area (area outside the data area) and a
copy of the defect table in the lead-out area.It
also sets aside some space in the data area as
a "replacement area" where date which would have
landed in a bad block is put. The price is somewhat
slower reads/writes and slightly reduced capacity.
The gain is reliability. Non-MRW drives will need
custom software to read MRW data.)