I am new to the Mass. area, but I use to be a Sr. Network
Admin with Charter Communications. The question that I have
is are you using Charter@home or Charter Pipeline? If it is
Charter@home then you have to make some different changes in
your setup. You have to add some domain information. It
took a while to finally Linux DHCP to with with Charter@home
but we were able to figure it out. If it is Charter
Pipeline I will be willing to find you some contact
information with one othe the Sr. Network Admins that I
> rpm -q pump
> pump is Red Hat's DHCP client. If the above command shows
> output, then it
> is installed.
> Could you post the output of "/sbin/ifconfig -a"?
> On Sat, 30 Jun 2001, Thomas Carey wrote:
> tcarey> I apologize if I confused anyone. One nic is a
> Intel Pro
> tcarey> 100+. the other nic is a 3COM 3C905C. I alternated
> nics to
> tcarey> see if maybe one was not loading. Dumb question.
> How do I
> tcarey> know if pump is installed? Please be patient, I'm
> fairly
> tcarey> new to Linux (but have used it in the past as a
> web and
> tcarey> FTP server).
> Charles R. Anderson <cra(a)wpi.edu> /
> http://angus.ind.wpi.edu/~cra/
> PGP Key ID: 49BB5886
> Fingerprint: EBA3 A106 7C93 FA07 8E15 3AC2 C367 A0F9 49BB
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