I've been working on setting up a MythTV box with a Hauppauge 500. The reception I am getting is a bit grainy. I read that it could be the firmware, too high of a signal, or too low of a signal. I took care of the firmware last night by following the directions on their wiki. The picture is still a bit grainy. Before I go out an buy a signal booster I was wondering if anyone had any ideas or experience with the 500. ~Mike -- They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security --Ben Franklin
Mike wrote:
I've been working on setting up a MythTV box with a Hauppauge 500. The reception I am getting is a bit grainy. I read that it could be the firmware, too high of a signal, or too low of a signal. I took care of the firmware last night by following the directions on their wiki. The picture is still a bit grainy. Before I go out an buy a signal booster I was wondering if anyone had any ideas or experience with the 500.
You can try hookup your PVR500 directly to the output of a VCR, or DVD player that has an RF output. Also try having your PVR as the only device in the house hooked to the line, and with no splitters inline. Each device creates load, and your PVR500 is really two devices. If you take a look at the ivtv mailing list archives, you'll find a lot of people with the same issue. -- karl
Thanks for the advice. I'll try that. I'm also going to try running through the firmware from the ivtv repository that I read on the Ubuntu site. ~Mike <quote who="Karl Hiramoto">
Mike wrote:
I've been working on setting up a MythTV box with a Hauppauge 500. The reception I am getting is a bit grainy. I read that it could be the firmware, too high of a signal, or too low of a signal. I took care of the firmware last night by following the directions on their wiki. The picture is still a bit grainy. Before I go out an buy a signal booster I was wondering if anyone had any ideas or experience with the 500.
You can try hookup your PVR500 directly to the output of a VCR, or DVD player that has an RF output.
Also try having your PVR as the only device in the house hooked to the line, and with no splitters inline. Each device creates load, and your PVR500 is really two devices.
If you take a look at the ivtv mailing list archives, you'll find a lot of people with the same issue.
-- karl
-- Emacs would be a far better OS if it shipped with a halfway-decent text editor. --Anonymous
Sorry that email was pretty rushed [because I'm in the office]. Here is the directions I plan on following tonight: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Install_IVTV_Feisty Note the bottom which states "Newer Firmware". I'll give it a shot. If that doesn't make a difference I could try the DVD player idea. Actually I think my VHS player is the only one with an RF out. If the VHS player is fine do you think it is a signaling problem? ~Mike <quote who="Mike">
Thanks for the advice. I'll try that.
I'm also going to try running through the firmware from the ivtv repository that I read on the Ubuntu site.
<quote who="Karl Hiramoto">
Mike wrote:
I've been working on setting up a MythTV box with a Hauppauge 500. The reception I am getting is a bit grainy. I read that it could be the firmware, too high of a signal, or too low of a signal. I took care of the firmware last night by following the directions on their wiki. The picture is still a bit grainy. Before I go out an buy a signal booster I was wondering if anyone had any ideas or experience with the 500.
You can try hookup your PVR500 directly to the output of a VCR, or DVD player that has an RF output.
Also try having your PVR as the only device in the house hooked to the line, and with no splitters inline. Each device creates load, and your PVR500 is really two devices.
If you take a look at the ivtv mailing list archives, you'll find a lot of people with the same issue.
-- karl
-- Emacs would be a far better OS if it shipped with a halfway-decent text editor. --Anonymous
-- Emacs would be a far better OS if it shipped with a halfway-decent text editor. --Anonymous
Alright. After a lot of tweaking I think I got the settings right and the picture is much better. I had to set the recording resolution to 720x480. I also had to put it to 1% vertical overrun to get rid of a flicker at the top of my screen. I also added their repository so I could get the correct firmware. I've never seen so many options in my life. Those things seems to affect it the greatest. Anyone have any luck with filters? ~Mike On Mon, 2007-04-16 at 13:14 -0400, Mike wrote:
Sorry that email was pretty rushed [because I'm in the office]. Here is the directions I plan on following tonight:
Note the bottom which states "Newer Firmware".
I'll give it a shot. If that doesn't make a difference I could try the DVD player idea. Actually I think my VHS player is the only one with an RF out.
If the VHS player is fine do you think it is a signaling problem?
<quote who="Mike">
Thanks for the advice. I'll try that.
I'm also going to try running through the firmware from the ivtv repository that I read on the Ubuntu site.
<quote who="Karl Hiramoto">
Mike wrote:
I've been working on setting up a MythTV box with a Hauppauge 500. The reception I am getting is a bit grainy. I read that it could be the firmware, too high of a signal, or too low of a signal. I took care of the firmware last night by following the directions on their wiki. The picture is still a bit grainy. Before I go out an buy a signal booster I was wondering if anyone had any ideas or experience with the 500.
You can try hookup your PVR500 directly to the output of a VCR, or DVD player that has an RF output.
Also try having your PVR as the only device in the house hooked to the line, and with no splitters inline. Each device creates load, and your PVR500 is really two devices.
If you take a look at the ivtv mailing list archives, you'll find a lot of people with the same issue.
-- karl
-- Emacs would be a far better OS if it shipped with a halfway-decent text editor. --Anonymous
participants (3)
Karl Hiramoto
Mike Perry