May 7, 2002
1:56 p.m.
Jeremy <mcotis@yahoo.com> writes:
Bender lives on! Sadly Futurama wont! :( yeah i thought about debian but the last two installs i tried sucked! Once on a sparc and the other was on my B&W. RTMF :-) Maybe I'll give debian one last try on my 7500.
Hmm, yeah well...the installer needs work, I know. The woody installer is a lot better though, so you might want to give it a try.
If i can boot via open firmware that would golden!
Yeah, can you get video output from OF on the 7500? Perhaps with updated OF patches from apple you could use OF if it doesn't work right now. booting via quik is much better than using BootX ;) ttyl, -- Josh Huber