"Richard" == Richard Klein <richspk@gmail.com> writes:
Richard> On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 12:28 PM, David Hardy <belovedbold357@gmail.com> wrote:
I don't have any old DEC equipment anymore, but I started my so-called IT career on a PDP-11 out in gorgeous Gardner, MA back in 1986. It ran RSX for an engineering CAD/CAM shop and we also had a VAX 780 running VMS 3.5. Last version of VMS I've worked with was 7.1, right here in Wormtown. I love Linux but I have to say I also was in love with VMS. Rumor had it, back in '89, that there was a field somewhere off Route 12 in Leominster, where DEC had dumped loads and loads of equipment, including computers, printers, cables, you-name-it. One of my operators when I was a sys admin at DEC Marlborough at that time had his front yard filled with that stuff, and the weather allegedly had no effect on any of it. I would imagine by now that the field, if it ever existed, is now a condo development or a semi-abandoned strip mall. Cheers from South Woostuh!
Richard> I think DEC had a big facility along route 70 in Lancaster Richard> (near route 2) that was sold to Mass. Youth Soccer. That's Richard> right near Leominster. Umm... Rt 70 runs from Worcester out to Clinton and beyond. The facility you're thinking about is in Boylston, and it now the town hall, etc. Now I know this 'cause I live in Boylston. :]