Having tried to fix many peoples Windows XP installs I find XP very unmanagable. The guts (generally what I need to fix) is so hidden from the user in an attempt to keep up the facade of 'ease of use' it's a PITA to get around just to fix a screwy network connection. How many windows users don't even know what a directory is? I don't call that ease of use, merely keeping them ignorant. It's a sad state of computer use:) On Tue, 6 Apr 2004 09:51:56 -0400 Bill Smith <wsmith@chezsmith.com> wrote:
On Tue, 06 Apr 2004 08:43:57 -0400 Bob George <mailings02@ttlexceeded.com> wrote:
Hey, at least there's not some kid constantly griping that Windows was so much easier (what happened to the Phoenix LUG channel - now #plugaz).
I often find myself sighing at the "Windows is easier" crowd. i want to educate them to what is available to them, to show them that "easier" does not necessarily mean "best for the job". Easier might be just that (easy), but it sometimes means making the wrong choice.
If a person wants to favor an operating system simply because it's "easy", then that person deserves all the resulting heartache s/he gets. often, the person looking for "easy" will think "ease of use" instead of "ease to get going without immediate worry"... If that became a major concern instead, I think we would see a decided shift towards unix variants. Sure, Win* might be easy to USE, but if you want it networked, there's a bit of know-how and effort involved to make it SECURE. (that could probably be said for any OS, but it is more true for Win* than for many others.)
A lot of LUG channels are largely idle, but I tend to lurk and occasionally there are some gems worth waiting for.
:) granted. can't argue that one.
William Smith wsmith@chezsmith.com Fall River, MA