"Kevin" == Kevin Stratton via WLUG <wlug@lists.wlug.org> writes:
I am using virtualbox running on Ubuntu 22.04 (not Pro).
I'm using plain KVM on Debian 12 at home and it works nicely. But I want more features like live migration of VMs. So I've started looking at ProxMox as well. Also for $WORK since Broadcom is busy shooting itself in the foot in regards to ESXi. This tutorial looks quite in-depth. Haven't spent enough time looking it over, and I'd need to find spare hardware to run things on. https://www.howtoforge.com/linux-self-hosted-environment/
I know this is not an enterprise level solution. but this seems to do well (enough) for my personal needs.
Yup, personal needs aren't as critical, but getting something to replace VMware might be key. And which is supported by Veeam as well.
I am running Windows 10 Pro as well as some other random stuff in virtual machines. I am not a gamer.
Me either! Except 'crawl', I'm adicted to v18.x of it. :-)
It has been functional/stable for quite awhile except for a very recent Kernel Update breaking virtual box. This may be fixed since virtualbox has automatically updated since this kernel update. I have not updated the kernel to confirm that virtualbox works with the new kernel. I will get a 'round tuit' when I do.
I'm leary of VirtualBox for a couple of reasons. 1. It's Oracle. 2. It's not quick on kernel updates and I like to run newer kernels if I can.