John Stoffel via WLUG <wlug@lists.wlug.org> writes:
Can I tell you to just go and buy a cheap PCIe graphics card made in the last 10 years? *grin*
Your advice may be good, but I don't like your attitude. One of the things I like about Linux is that you are not forced to buy the latest whiz-bang computer. It runs just fine on old hardware. Getting it working is half the fun. See "Dumpster Diving for Linux" http://www.free-comp-shop.com/none/dumpster.html --- Tim Keller via WLUG <wlug@lists.wlug.org> writes:
The meeting is going to be at our usual virtual hang out.. https://meet.jit.si/WlugMA @7pm.
I hope to be there.
I don't have a topic yet, I suspect something natural will emerge.
I don't have a suitable presentation, but I have written something about my latest Linux project. Maybe it will be a topic. See "How can a wireless router be added to a wired netork?" http://www.free-comp-shop.com/none/wireless.html Your advice is welcome and maybe useful. A few years ago one of the WLUG memebers (Frank Sweetser?) saved my bacon after my Idiot Service Provider suddenly decided it would no longer be convenient for them to continue running a secondary name server for me. They didn't even reduce my bill by the amount they had been charging for that service. The price remained the same, but now it was for extra email addresses that I had not requested and did not need. A few years later they quit providing any mailboxes at all. I think they would really rather just charge me for sending the invoice. To be fair, that seems to be hard for them. Frank (?) told me about Hurricane Electric, who run a secondary name server for free just for good will and advertising. They are good people, this plug is all I have ever done for them. https://dns.he.net/ -- Keith