(final purge for this month, for me: some VGA and DVI-able hardware/MONITORS. (3) LCD monitors I am recycling or giving away. I'll choose the best taker(s) if any from WLUG perhaps mid-wednesday apr3. Or Thursday. ("TAKER"= someone or more of you, who emails me or the group saying "I'll take (this one/model ; or those 2 ; or all)". Pickup = occuring some later day; no rush. I'm not bringing them into work/WPI/worcester right away. CONDITION: All rather low-use (low hours, many years idle/unused) NO power supply issues nor any flaky issues on any of these. ==================Best one first: 18.1" 1280x1024 NEC MultiSync LCD1880SC ( TFT active) w/ VGA ( aka D-sub ) AND DVI. Very sturdy base, vertical sliding monitor 4-8" above table, and allows rotation 90 degrees if you like it the "tall" way. - Native *Resolution*. 1280 x 1024 at 60 Hz. - Contrast Ratio. 350:1. Response time: (cannot find it listed anywhere) - Color Support. 16.7 million colors. - Controls & Adjustments. Brightness, contrast, color balance, color temperature. - Dimensions (WxDxH) 15.2 in x 7.1 in x 15.5 in. - ==========SMALLEST,cutest, also well-made: 15" 1024x768 Sony SDM-S53 VGA(only) Contrast:500:1 Response time: 25msec ====================3 of 3, a low-end brand and oddball resolution: 19"(wide, but still rather small) 1440x900 Optiquest w/VGA(only)