March 19, 2002
1:14 a.m.
Ummm, To say that I was pissed off would be putting it mildly. In the fall, Charter announced that they were beginning a "partnership" with MSN. Fine; but I realized that this meant that Charter would be trying to get all their subscribers on to .net. I don't want passport, I don't want .net. I wrote to Charter, calmly voicing my concerns and recieved an e-mail that NO CHARTER SUBSCRIBER WOULD BE SIGNED UP FOR A MSN PASSPORT WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT. Well, imagine my surprise this weekend when I recived a "congratulations" message for "deciding" to sign-up for passport! ?!@#!!!@ And who did it to me? Charter Communications....I wrote to Charter to get me out of passport ASAP. If they refuse, how's everyone feel about dsl? Wes