Adam> The small, blingy, cost-is-no-object solution ;-) : Adam> <http://www.cappuccinopc.com/pandora-945.asp> Cute, too small for a file server. Adam> sitting on top of Adam> 2x <http://www.lacie.com/products/product.htm?pid=10727> Adam> mounted via firewire and mirrored with md, and Adam> <http://www.ratocsystems.com/english/products/subpages/firerex1.html> Adam> to handle the tape drive (unless it's internal :-/). Now this is just a sick sick sick device, but no mention of linux compatibility at all, so I'd be *very* hesitant to try and run this. Also, my DLT drive is a 68pin SCSI connnector, luckily I think I have a 68->50 adapter. But I'll pass and let someone else go this route. :] It is a funcy solution. Adam> Realistically though, a few of my friends have had good noise Adam> levels and reliability putting the fanless VIA kit into a larger Adam> case with slow large fans or no fans at all. In that case, the Adam> noisiest and hottest bits will be the drives. Yeah, the tape drive and it's fan (it's an external drive) will probably be the loudest part of it all if I'm careful. Thanks for the ideas...