Aaron Haviland <orion@tribble.dyndns.org> writes:
ACK. I just recently started signing my emails, and hadn't realised mutt's default behaviour in these cases:
6.3.124. pgp_strict_enc
Type: boolean Default: yes
If set, Mutt will automatically encode PGP/MIME signed messages as quoted-printable. Please note that unsetting this variable may lead to problems with non-verifyable PGP signatures, so only change this if you know what you are doing.
I've disabled it. I hope I know what I'm doing...
Well, you should be okay, unless you send messages with non-us characters in them, which some MTAs like to fiddle with. I think some MTAs like to screw with your message anyway, in some cases. But anyway, that's the rationale for this option being the default. ttyl, -- Josh Huber