Charles R. Anderson said:
On Thu, Mar 14, 2002 at 01:40:34AM -0500, Aaron Haviland wrote: orion> > Just install pentium-builder, set the environment variable like it orion> > says to, and apt-get -b source <package> away! orion> orion> Well, hot damn. you're my new hero! Now I can still build optimised orion> local .debs and make non-optimised redistributable ones without messy orion> tweaking!
RPM has had the ability to build for different architectures and optimize based on them since the beginning:
rpm --rebuild --target=i386,i586,i686 foo.src.rpm
it's not dpkg that has the problem. debian's gcc is patched so it defaults to i386 if the arch is any ix86, unless specified otherwise. (at least, that's what i'm making of this patch...) I think what i really like about debian's build system is that while most people use a makefile for debian/rules, you DON'T HAVE TO. you can use any sort of script you want, so long as it does what it needs to. You DON'T HAVE TO use debhelper to put files in the right locations and fix permissions. You DON'T HAVE TO do anything a specific way, so long as the result is the same. As far as everything being i386, that's lets debian be installable on more architectures, like the 386 laptop i'm typing this on right now. Redhat, Mandrake, etc wouldn't install... everything's pentium optimised. -- Aaron Haviland orion [at] tribble [dot] dyndns [dot] org orion [at] parsed [dot] net relevance is irrelevant.