I might go, but have not gotten a plane ticket or lodging. Have you? -- Thanks! John Malloy johnmalloy AT comcast DOT net -------------- Original message -------------- From: "Tal Cohen" <wlug@cohen123.com> Is anyone from the group going to LISA? My schedule has prevented me from attending WLUG meetings, but I am going to LISA and was hoping to meet other WLUG members there J Tal

All booked.flying down Saturday the 11th, leaving Tuesday the 13th. I have Sunday night open if anyone is interested in WLUG get together in Dallas :-) Tal _____ From: wlug-bounces@mail.wlug.org [mailto:wlug-bounces@mail.wlug.org] On Behalf Of johnmalloy@comcast.net Sent: Monday, November 05, 2007 12:09 PM To: Worcester Linux Users Group Subject: Re: [Wlug] LISA Dallas 2007 I might go, but have not gotten a plane ticket or lodging. Have you? -- Thanks! John Malloy johnmalloy AT comcast DOT net -------------- Original message -------------- From: "Tal Cohen" <wlug@cohen123.com> Is anyone from the group going to LISA? My schedule has prevented me from attending WLUG meetings, but I am going to LISA and was hoping to meet other WLUG members there :-) Tal
participants (2)
Tal Cohen