Hi, Based on one of our post-meeting pizza discussions last night I thought I would send an e-mail (something I do so rarely). Here is a site that has a good selection of WIFI gear (APs/amps/antennas). I have never ordered from them but they appear to have a good selection of radio gear. http://www.fab-corp.com/ A few ideas to remember: 1) A stronger omni directional antenna (greater db numbers) will improve both your transmit and receive and both are important for range for WIFI. 2) Directional antennas must be aimed at the other radio. You get more gain, but they are usually not the solution if you want to wander your house/deck/yard with the laptop. 3) Amplifiers have downsides; 1) another device to power 2) another device to fail later 3) a good one runs around $200 with both transmit amp and receive pre-amp. 4) Antennas are rated in decibels (db). Most antennas on access points are round 3db - 5db. In terms of signal strength an increase of 3db is a doubling of effective power (Ex 3db to 9db is roughtly 400% stronger). 5) The weakest link in WIFI is usually the card and particularly the internal antenna in the laptop on the far end. 6) You do not succeed unless both devices can both "transmit" and "receive" the other radio. 7) Selection of a feed cable for an external antenna is VERY important. At 2+ghz frequencies a long cable (>1 foot) or a poor quality cable will loose everything you are trying to gain with a better "numbers" antenna.
From a local computer AND radio geek,
Joel Desrochers
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