I'm trying to pick a pop3 server, however I am having a tough time doing such. A few notes: * The pop3 server will, for the time being, mount all maildirs via NFS. Similarly, all passwords are retrieved via NIS+. * Debian/woody packages would be nice, but not a requirement. Any thoughts? -- David Ludwig | "The Linux philosophy is laugh in the face of davidl<at>wpi.edu | danger. Oops. Wrong One. 'Do it yourself.' http://www.oflove.com | That's it." - Linus Torvalds

David> I'm trying to pick a pop3 server, however I am having a tough David> time doing such. A few notes: David> * The pop3 server will, for the time being, mount all maildirs David> via NFS. Similarly, all passwords are retrieved via NIS+. This is just asking for trouble. Mail over NFS is a pain to get right. And do you *really* want the horror of NIS+ on your hands? I keep seeing a job announcement for Bermuda where one of the projects is to migrate from NIS+ to NIS. I feel that LDAP is the way to go in the future, but it's not quite there yet. John
participants (2)
David Lee Ludwig
John Stoffel