"apt list --installed" ... even has chrome on Mint...and other raves

Hi from doug in Maine ...former WPI netops geek, before that a *NIX admin back to when Vax and Sparc were corporate choices (I guess I've gotten over pining for BSD variants). I supported many emacs geeks (sw/hw developers) then, but never adopted emacs in my pea brain. I guess I preferred vi's stupid modes and ESC and ":" , over CTRL-everything? in emacs. Or maybe I got bit by a macro as a child. For some ancient emacs lore...its security hole Way Back Then is lovingly(ha) mentioned in Clifford Stoll's awesome/fun? book "The Cuckoo's Egg". Just to get root, back then. Access via hopping thru dialup 1200baud modems, and a world where security was off-radar to the engineers owning systems. Even MilNet systems. What fun ! Dumb hacker paradise! One fun line from below: What do you feed a Trojan horse ? Oooh, found a 52-page scan of the book at http://nationalsecurity.gmu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Cuckoos-Egg-Readi... But as always, I ramble. George: Great question. I "(d)evolved" into a dumb linux Mint user (a great Ubuntu-based distro ..though you gotta choose, Cinnamon,MATE,Xfce. I chose Mate, 20.1 is stable. I forget the why's, but I know it's good with a few beloved windows keyb tricks like ALT-TAB). As a sysadmin responsible for reloading/building systems, I had to fret packages once, .....obviously this was the cat's meow compared to rebuilding from sources and "make". I remember studying our typical < 1000 RedHat packages and feeling like I knew what most of them were. Now I've got > 2000 on Mint, and barely recognize half of them. Today for fun (Thanks Tim), I looked to see... if the one thing I recall needing to install off-package a few years ago = "chrome" showed up in either my sudo logs (nope) or package list. Chrome got into Mint's distros. So my "apt list --installed" output (3mo old desktop load) shows 2028 packages having chosen the "want 3rd party stuff?" install question...so wonderful..so I have both emacsen-common/focal,focal,now 3.0.4 all [installed] and google-chrome-stable/now 91.0.4472.77-1 amd64 [installed,upgradable to: 97.0.4692.71-1] From cmd line, google-chrome (I no longer need on Final side track, I remember years ago saying "amazing...YouTube just works out of box!". Final backtrack...wonder what emacsen-common has, since if I try to launch "emacs" I get Command 'emacs' not found, but can be installed with: sudo apt install e3 # version 1:2.71-2, or sudo apt install emacs-gtk # version 1:26.3+1-1ubuntu2 sudo apt install emacs-lucid # version 1:26.3+1-1ubuntu2 sudo apt install emacs-nox # version 1:26.3+1-1ubuntu2 sudo apt install jove # version Pardon my endless rant, hope it doesn't sidetrack today/tonite. I'll be fascinated to see what a recorded session looks like...with chat/comments?
participants (1)
Doug Mildram