Doug Chamberlin said:
At 8/20/2001 11:53 AM (Monday), ccb@acm.org wrote:
- Some people expect that a reply will goto the group.
However, this causes a number of people to respond to the
when they mean the response to goto the sender only.
Of the 40 or so mailing lists that I'm regularly a participant on, the wlug list is the only one exhibiting this behavior. It's generally consider an anachronism, dating to the days when we all had "!" in our email addresses.
Of the 15 or so mailing lists that I'm regularly a participant on, there are NO lists which are setup so replies go directly to senders instead of the list as a whole. Replying by default only to senders hinders one of the primary benefits of participation - that of sharing info. It is generally considered "the way to go" to have replies default to the whole list with strong objections made every time it is suggested that it be changed.
Not a main member of the group (only the mailing list), so take it for what it's worth, but most of the ones I'm on default to replies to the owner. A few changed over to that after some stuff accidently got sent to the list that REALLY should have been private. See http://www.unicom.com/pw/reply-to-harmful.html jeff ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Jeffry Smith Technical Sales Consultant Mission Critical Linux smith@missioncriticallinux.com phone:603.930.9739 fax:978.446.9470 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Thought for today: greenbar n. A style of fanfolded continuous-feed paper with alternating green and white bars on it, especially used in old-style line printers. This slang almost certainly dates way back to mainframe days.
participants (1)
Jeffry Smith