Self-Introduction : Markus McLaughlin

Hi, my name is Markus McLaughlin, I run a small Linux Blog, I reside in Hudson, I been wanting to join your group and get some expert advice on Fedora 10. I am not a Programmer, I am an Advanced User who wants to learn Fedora, I don't mind tinkering with it so I get to work right. Ubuntu is cool but it's not American based like Fedora is. Does the group have an IRC channel? I like to IRC chat with everyone here when I have some free time! I hope we can ALL make a small difference in the Linux Community! M. McLaughlin Hudson, MA, USA

Markus McLaughlin wrote:
Hi, my name is Markus McLaughlin, I run a small Linux Blog, I reside in Hudson, I been wanting to join your group and get some expert advice on Fedora 10. I am not a Programmer, I am an Advanced User who wants to learn Fedora, I don't mind tinkering with it so I get to work right. Ubuntu is cool but it's not American based like Fedora is. Does the group have an IRC channel? I like to IRC chat with everyone here when I have some free time! I hope we can ALL make a small difference in the Linux Community!
M. McLaughlin Hudson, MA, USA
Hi and welcome! There's plenty of people running FC (as well as other distros) that are always happy to help. I don't run FC but I help where I can. The irc channel is #wlug-ma om freenode. It goes in waves but there are a few people who are on it all the time. Generally the irc channel is random chats between us all and the mailing list is where things get taken care of. That's not to say that people won't help on IRC, it's just that there are more people checking the mailing list than looking at irc :) Hope to see you at the next meeting -- Eric Martin Key fingerprint = D1C4 086E DBB5 C18E 6FDA B215 6A25 7174 A941 3B9F

Markus McLaughlin wrote, on Jan 28, 2009 at 13:52 EST:
Ubuntu is cool but it's not American based like Fedora is.
Hi Marcus, Just a comment on this, point. Redhat is American-based. Fedora is an international community. Canonical is England-based. Ubuntu is an international community. -- Aaron Haviland cell: [508] 344 - 8380 home: [508] 943 - 7974

Aaron> Markus McLaughlin wrote, on Jan 28, 2009 at 13:52 EST:
Ubuntu is cool but it's not American based like Fedora is.
Aaron> Just a comment on this, point. Aaron> Redhat is American-based. Aaron> Fedora is an international community. Aaron> Canonical is England-based. Aaron> Ubuntu is an international community. Yeah, I wanted to chime in on this as well, since Linux was started by someone from Finland (who might be a US citizen now...) so it's not really american made at all. Sorry to jump on you like this, I just think it's a specious arguement to use when picking one distro over another. Now, if you want to compare the speed of yum vs apt, then we've got a discussion. Anyway, I'm a happy Debian/Ubuntu (bleeding edge on both) user. I'm a professional SysAdmin as well, so I use RHEL, Solaris in my work life, along with some CentOS. I hate yum... :] Markus, hopefully we'll see you at the next meeting, and the one in March when I hope to present a little talk on programing the Arduino controller ( in the Ubuntu/Linux command line. It's quite fun! John
participants (4)
Aaron Haviland
Eric Martin
John Stoffel
Markus McLaughlin