March Meeting Reminder!!!! Thursday March 12th 2015 at 7pm in the Mid Century Room (rm 331)

Hey Everybody! This Thursday (March 12th) we've got our monthly WLUG meeting! Same bat time, same bat channel! This month we're going to be talking about the Raspberry Pi. It's come along way since the "A" model has come out! Also because the Pi is open lots of compatible Pi like devices have come on the market as well. Chuck has offered to show off his ODROID-C1 <> I'll bring along my Pi and the GPIO stuff. If you've got a Pi, bring it along and we can talk shop and swap ideas! Per our standard convention I'll bring along the soda and chips and afterwards we'll continue to conversation while stuffing ourselves with Tech Pizza. Later, Tim. -- I am leery of the allegiances of any politician who refers to their constituents as "consumers".
participants (1)
Tim Keller