I'm considering getting a laser printer (I'm tired of buying all those ink jet cartidges that my kids burn through), and I'm interested in recommendataions for low-cost models. (I'm running RedHat 7.2.) HP has a model (LaserJet 1000) for $250 retail. It has a USB connection that the HP web page says is for "window only". ("Non-Windows based operating systems will not be supported.") Any suggestions? TIA, Bill

Bill> I'm considering getting a laser printer (I'm tired of buying all Bill> those ink jet cartidges that my kids burn through), and I'm Bill> interested in recommendataions for low-cost models. (I'm Bill> running RedHat 7.2.) Bill> HP has a model (LaserJet 1000) for $250 retail. It has a USB Bill> connection that the HP web page says is for "window only". Bill> ("Non-Windows based operating systems will not be supported.") My first suggestion is to get a printer that goes directly on the Network, which will save you no end of grief when you want to print to it. I've got a Laserjet 4M that I picked up used and it works great. Haven't had to do a thing to it except feed paper. I got it from a used computer dealer in Littleton, MA who is on Rt 2A (exit 31 off Rt 495, take 2A East, he's through the light, on the left about a mile down). If you do this, Linux and your PCs shouldn't have any problems talking to it. John John Stoffel - Senior Unix Systems Administrator - Lucent Technologies stoffel@lucent.com - http://www.lucent.com - 978-399-0479

On Tue, Sep 03, 2002 at 04:18:23PM -0400, stoffel@lucent.com wrote: stoffel> I've got a Laserjet 4M that I picked up used and it works great. stoffel> Haven't had to do a thing to it except feed paper. I got it from a stoffel> used computer dealer in Littleton, MA who is on Rt 2A (exit 31 off Rt stoffel> 495, take 2A East, he's through the light, on the left about a mile stoffel> down). I wholeheartedly agree. HP 4's with the JetDirect card in them are your best bet. It doesn't need to be PostScript--you can use ghostscript on your Linux box and print HPGL to the printer over port 9100. WPI uses mainly HP's in this manner. I recommend ifhp as the print filter, since it natively supports port 9100 printing and has some other neat features (like displaying the username of the person printing on the LED panel of the printer). -- Charles R. Anderson <cra@wpi.edu> / http://angus.ind.wpi.edu/~cra/ PGP Key ID: 49BB5886 Fingerprint: EBA3 A106 7C93 FA07 8E15 3AC2 C367 A0F9 49BB 5886
participants (3)
Bill Mills-Curran
Charles R. Anderson