WLUG Meeting March 10th 2016!

Hey Gang, I put a shout out for topic ideas and got crickets... If Frank would be gracious enough to do a talk bout RPZ security features in bind (even if it's a short one) that would be great. Then I figure we can do a round table and talk about the new Raspberry Pi 3, competitors to the Pi, SQL server for Linux?!?!, ZFS on in ubuntu 16.10, linux gaming, etc. If there's something that someone's interested in talking about, reply to the list and we'll round table it as well... lots of times this turns into a topic. Someone (maybe Chuck) mentioned something about Flask... Afterwards we'll head to Tech Pizza (and if it's warm enough maybe Wooberry!) and keep the conversation going. I'd like to apologize for dropping the ball a bit lately, life's gotten hectic. I'm going to start working on getting some speakers lined up. Thanks, Tim. -- I am leery of the allegiances of any politician who refers to their constituents as "consumers".
participants (1)
Tim Keller