!!!! Reminder!!! Wlug Meeting Oct 13th @7PM: Topic: Fotoxx, Speaker: Dick Miller, Location: WPI Mid Century Room.

Hey Everybody! Date/Time: Oct 13th 2022, 7PM-??PM Physical Location: WPI Mid Century Room (rm 321) Virtual Location: https://meet.jit.si/WlugMA Speaker: Dick Miller Dick Miller is going to be speaking about Fotoxx! https://kornelix.net/fotoxx/fotoxx.html From the webpage: Navigate a large image collection using a thumbnail browser, click on an image to view or edit. A rich set of edit and retouch functions is available. Import RAW files and edit with deep color. Save revised images as JPEG, PNG (8/16 bits/color), or TIFF (8/16). Select an object or area within an image (freehand draw, follow edges, flood matching tones...), apply edit functions, copy and paste, resize, blend, warp, etc. without using layers. Edit functions have fast feedback using the full image or selected zoom-in area. Edit image metadata (tags, geotags, dates, ratings, captions...). Search images using any combination of metadata and file and folder names or partial names. Click a marker on a scalable world map to view all photos from that location. Batch functions are available to rename, add/revise metadata, copy/move, resize, convert format. Fotoxx uses your image files wherever they are and maintains a separate index for fast searching. Fotoxx is standards compliant and can be used with other photo programs (no lock-in). Fotoxx is easy to use but unconventional, so read the user guide (at least the first few pages) before jumping in. Fotoxx has deep functionality. Do not expect to master it in a few minutes. Along with the presentation, as usual expect the usual amount of banter about all things Linux/FOSS/etc. Definitely some talk about mdadm..which I'm sure will digress into a weird demo... Snacks and Refreshments will be provided and we'll head off to have dinner afterwards to continue the conversation. I hope to see you there! Thanks, Tim. -- I am leery of the allegiances of any politician who refers to their constituents as "consumers".

CU there! Have computer, will travel. Cheers from --Dick (and Jill) Miller, Partners, MMS <TheMillers@millermicro.com> Co-Leaders, FOSS User Group in Natick (NatickFOSS.org) <http://millermicro.com/FOSSUserGroupNatick.html> -- *| A. Richard & Jill A. Miller | MILLER MICROCOMPUTER SERVICES | | Mailto:TheMillers@millermicro.com | 61 Lake Shore Road | | Web: http://www.millermicro.com/ | Natick, MA 01760-2099, USA | | Voice: 508/653-6136, 9AM-9PM -0400(EDT)| NMEA N 42.29993°, W 71.36558° |* Sent from an awesome, inexpensive, non-proprietary <https://www.gnu.org/proprietary/>, no-lock-in, no-bloatware, virus-resistant, free open-source software, /Linux/ <http://NatickFOSS.org/> PC - with /Ubuntu-Unity 22.04.1 LTS/ <https://ubuntuunity.org> and /Fotoxx 22.35/ <http://www.kornelix.net/fotoxx/fotoxx.html> making the most of the tiny camera within a Samsung Galaxy A53 5G smartphone <https://www.androidauthority.com/samsung-galaxy-a53-5g-review-3149923/>. On 10/13/22 17:05, John Stoffel wrote:
See you there tonight, in person!

We are here at the WPI Campus Center! On Thu, Oct 13, 2022 at 5:43 PM Dick Miller <TheMillers@millermicro.com> wrote:
CU there! Have computer, will travel.
Cheers from --Dick (and Jill) Miller, Partners, MMS <TheMillers@millermicro.com> Co-Leaders, FOSS User Group in Natick (NatickFOSS.org) <http://millermicro.com/FOSSUserGroupNatick.html> --
* | A. Richard & Jill A. Miller | MILLER MICROCOMPUTER SERVICES | | Mailto:TheMillers@millermicro.com <TheMillers@millermicro.com> | 61 Lake Shore Road | | Web: http://www.millermicro.com/ <http://www.millermicro.com/> | Natick, MA 01760-2099, USA | | Voice: 508/653-6136, 9AM-9PM -0400(EDT)| NMEA N 42.29993°, W 71.36558° |*
Sent from an awesome, inexpensive, non-proprietary <https://www.gnu.org/proprietary/>, no-lock-in, no-bloatware, virus-resistant, free open-source software, *Linux* <http://NatickFOSS.org/> PC - with *Ubuntu-Unity 22.04.1 LTS* <https://ubuntuunity.org> and *Fotoxx 22.35* <http://www.kornelix.net/fotoxx/fotoxx.html> making the most of the tiny camera within a Samsung Galaxy A53 5G smartphone <https://www.androidauthority.com/samsung-galaxy-a53-5g-review-3149923/>.
On 10/13/22 17:05, John Stoffel wrote:
See you there tonight, in person!
-- I am leery of the allegiances of any politician who refers to their constituents as "consumers".

Thank you Dick for the talk tonight ( so much as I was able to stay for ) - your enthusiasm for linux advocacy and outreach was recognizable; and I enjoyed romping around your website - I wonder if your Canopus star-tracker work in the 60s had any outputs still in use on the Voyagers (some 14.6 billion miles away now...)! Sorry I had to leave early, but I arrived home interested to check it out. I use TinyCore linux on my daily driver laptop (Dell Latitude (c) 2012), which didn't have fotoxx in its package manager - so I built it from the source packages on https://kornelix.net/fotoxx/fotoxx.html. Incidentally, there is a LONG OVERVIEW section on that page which combined with your talk offered me more description of the features. Once I built it I began checking it out. It absolutely suggests a talented and devoted developer; it is quirky and polished in my novitiate eyes. First off - from the building side - I observe it is a collection of executables - Michael Cornelison the author certainly has been hard at work - cloc says: github.com/AlDanial/cloc v 1.95 T=1.51 s (33.2 files/s, 118058.5 lines/s) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Language files blank comment code ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C++ 31 38465 16842 118237 C/C++ Header 4 540 230 2798 make 11 111 60 634 Text 1 11 0 47 CSS 3 35 33 19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUM: 50 39162 17165 121735 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It wasn't difficult to build - I made it into a TinyCore Linux package and then loaded it up. Initially it attempted to tackle my entire drive, but crashed (a corrupt PNG took it down during the indexing); I then aimed it at a media specific folder, and I was surprised to see it creating thumbnails for mp4 movies - ultimately these files are just easily launched into VLC by a keystroke. Things I like - I like the Map view - I like seeing the thumb-tack indication of where my photos' geotags point. I like the Gallery's balance between fast thumbnails and some brief metadata - and I like that folders are shown with a count of inner images and folders -a nice sort of bread crumbs. I also like the prepackaged set of effects and filters - For instance Voodoo 1 applied to one of my photos created a nice effect. I'm sure these features bring powerful image editing techniques into more hands more easily than something with a steeper learning curve (say GIMP). I'm not sure it is about to become my go-to software though. I have been a long time GIMP user and so appreciate the skill I already possess therein. However, it does remind me that I desire a better gallery experience - formerly I used to use F-Spot Photo Manager, but that seems to be in-between working builds for some time ... So, I am not sure what my next step will be, but I again thank you for tonight's romp through Fotoxx! Best of Wishes, Lexi On Thu, Oct 13, 2022 at 7:11 PM Tim Keller via WLUG <wlug@lists.wlug.org> wrote:
We are here at the WPI Campus Center!
On Thu, Oct 13, 2022 at 5:43 PM Dick Miller <TheMillers@millermicro.com> wrote:
CU there! Have computer, will travel.
Cheers from --Dick (and Jill) Miller, Partners, MMS <TheMillers@millermicro.com> Co-Leaders, FOSS User Group in Natick (NatickFOSS.org) <http://millermicro.com/FOSSUserGroupNatick.html> --
* | A. Richard & Jill A. Miller | MILLER MICROCOMPUTER SERVICES | | Mailto:TheMillers@millermicro.com <TheMillers@millermicro.com> | 61 Lake Shore Road | | Web: http://www.millermicro.com/ <http://www.millermicro.com/> | Natick, MA 01760-2099, USA | | Voice: 508/653-6136, 9AM-9PM -0400(EDT)| NMEA N 42.29993°, W 71.36558° |*
Sent from an awesome, inexpensive, non-proprietary <https://www.gnu.org/proprietary/>, no-lock-in, no-bloatware, virus-resistant, free open-source software, *Linux* <http://NatickFOSS.org/> PC - with *Ubuntu-Unity 22.04.1 LTS* <https://ubuntuunity.org> and *Fotoxx 22.35* <http://www.kornelix.net/fotoxx/fotoxx.html> making the most of the tiny camera within a Samsung Galaxy A53 5G smartphone <https://www.androidauthority.com/samsung-galaxy-a53-5g-review-3149923/>.
On 10/13/22 17:05, John Stoffel wrote:
See you there tonight, in person!
-- I am leery of the allegiances of any politician who refers to their constituents as "consumers". _______________________________________________ WLUG mailing list -- wlug@lists.wlug.org To unsubscribe send an email to wlug-leave@lists.wlug.org Create Account: https://wlug.mailman3.com/accounts/signup/ Change Settings: https://wlug.mailman3.com/postorius/lists/wlug.lists.wlug.org/ Web Forum/Archive: https://wlug.mailman3.com/hyperkitty/list/wlug@lists.wlug.org/message/YLGET3...

We lost the room on the web call. Will you guys be back on tonight? From: Tim Keller via WLUG <wlug@lists.wlug.org> Reply-To: Worcester Linux Users' Group General Discussion <wlug@lists.wlug.org> Date: Wednesday, October 12, 2022 at 4:55 PM To: Worcester Linux Users' Group General Discussion <wlug@lists.wlug.org>, Dick Miller <TheMillers@millermicro.com> Cc: Tim Keller <turbofx@gmail.com> Subject: [WLUG] !!!! Reminder!!! Wlug Meeting Oct 13th @7PM: Topic: Fotoxx, Speaker: Dick Miller, Location: WPI Mid Century Room. Hey Everybody! Date/Time: Oct 13th 2022, 7PM-??PM Physical Location: WPI Mid Century Room (rm 321) Virtual Location: https://meet.jit.si/WlugMA Speaker: Dick Miller Dick Miller is going to be speaking about Fotoxx! https://kornelix.net/fotoxx/fotoxx.html From the webpage: Navigate a large image collection using a thumbnail browser, click on an image to view or edit. A rich set of edit and retouch functions is available. Import RAW files and edit with deep color. Save revised images as JPEG, PNG (8/16 bits/color), or TIFF (8/16). Select an object or area within an image (freehand draw, follow edges, flood matching tones...), apply edit functions, copy and paste, resize, blend, warp, etc. without using layers. Edit functions have fast feedback using the full image or selected zoom-in area. Edit image metadata (tags, geotags, dates, ratings, captions...). Search images using any combination of metadata and file and folder names or partial names. Click a marker on a scalable world map to view all photos from that location. Batch functions are available to rename, add/revise metadata, copy/move, resize, convert format. Fotoxx uses your image files wherever they are and maintains a separate index for fast searching. Fotoxx is standards compliant and can be used with other photo programs (no lock-in). Fotoxx is easy to use but unconventional, so read the user guide (at least the first few pages) before jumping in. Fotoxx has deep functionality. Do not expect to master it in a few minutes. Along with the presentation, as usual expect the usual amount of banter about all things Linux/FOSS/etc. Definitely some talk about mdadm..which I'm sure will digress into a weird demo... Snacks and Refreshments will be provided and we'll head off to have dinner afterwards to continue the conversation. I hope to see you there! Thanks, Tim. -- I am leery of the allegiances of any politician who refers to their constituents as "consumers".

Patrick McEvilly via WLUG <wlug@lists.wlug.org> writes:
We lost the room on the web call. Will you guys be back on tonight?
Right. That didn't work well. I was on jitsi within minutes of 7pm. At first I thought I had technical problems because I couldn't see or hear anybody. A few minutes and a few named rectangles showed up, including the all important "WLUG Meeting". But the guest speaker was not there. It was noisy and hard to hear anyone who was not near the mike. Around 7:30 there was talk of booting from a flash drive and then "WLUG Meeting" vanished. There were three of us left, me and two rectangles named jstone and PMcEvilly. We talked a bit about our computers, but didn't really have much to say. At 8pm the computer that runs ntpd (NetTimePro) said it was time to move along. This is not a gripe, it's a bug report. Jitsi actually seemed to work better from the public library. This is a bit frightening. WPI has been teaching over video chat for years. We did video chat meetings with the equipment in the student center back in the Andy Stewart days. Patrick McEvilly via WLUG <wlug@lists.wlug.org> writes:
Will you guys be back on tonight?
I'm not sure what to make of that question. WLUG meetings are traditionally 1/month. On the other hand, I think the jitsi room is open all the time. -- Keith, Programmer in Chief, http://www.free-comp-shop.com/

I'd like to apologize for the online meeting failure last night. Going forward our Jitsi game is going to have to be upped a bit. To this end, I'm putting together a wlug "go-bag" that'll have a tripod, a dedicated camera/mic and a laptop to run the whole shabang. Along with that I'm going to toss in a whole bevy of "X to HDMI" adapters as well as our own nice long HDMI cables, etc. This will eliminate delays in dealing with the student center, allow for seamless virtual meetings, and properly record them to put up on the youtube channel. Thanks for your understanding, Tim. On Fri, Oct 14, 2022 at 10:52 AM Keith Wright via WLUG <wlug@lists.wlug.org> wrote:
Patrick McEvilly via WLUG <wlug@lists.wlug.org> writes:
We lost the room on the web call. Will you guys be back on tonight?
Right. That didn't work well. I was on jitsi within minutes of 7pm. At first I thought I had technical problems because I couldn't see or hear anybody. A few minutes and a few named rectangles showed up, including the all important "WLUG Meeting".
But the guest speaker was not there. It was noisy and hard to hear anyone who was not near the mike. Around 7:30 there was talk of booting from a flash drive and then "WLUG Meeting" vanished. There were three of us left, me and two rectangles named jstone and PMcEvilly. We talked a bit about our computers, but didn't really have much to say. At 8pm the computer that runs ntpd (NetTimePro) said it was time to move along.
This is not a gripe, it's a bug report. Jitsi actually seemed to work better from the public library. This is a bit frightening. WPI has been teaching over video chat for years. We did video chat meetings with the equipment in the student center back in the Andy Stewart days.
Patrick McEvilly via WLUG <wlug@lists.wlug.org> writes:
Will you guys be back on tonight?
I'm not sure what to make of that question. WLUG meetings are traditionally 1/month. On the other hand, I think the jitsi room is open all the time.
-- Keith, Programmer in Chief, http://www.free-comp-shop.com/
_______________________________________________ WLUG mailing list -- wlug@lists.wlug.org To unsubscribe send an email to wlug-leave@lists.wlug.org Create Account: https://wlug.mailman3.com/accounts/signup/ Change Settings: https://wlug.mailman3.com/postorius/lists/wlug.lists.wlug.org/ Web Forum/Archive: https://wlug.mailman3.com/hyperkitty/list/wlug@lists.wlug.org/message/F2QEQ7...
-- I am leery of the allegiances of any politician who refers to their constituents as "consumers".

doug/dmildram, former WPI dude/netops but now in Maine> Just wanted to say .............(yea right, as I type a long windy rant) ...............the effort+result of everyone's contributions are truly "all good" and appreciated! yes, jitsi totally rocks from my limited-use view. Recorded meetings are very cool! Both my 2 piles of PICtures/jpg's , as well as the muzak/mp3's in my personal/(~20-40g) stash of precious/home data.... are indeed in need of a brainy front end. Hating Rhythmbox front end for mp3's though it plays all my mp3's correctly w/o weird play/stutter,etc issues. I know there's a slew of media players, both audio and image/video. And, I do love vlc , yet need to learn more of its capabilities and improve my ease of use, plus fix my command-line-launch no-go/problem I'm having. (AUDIO only of course? I'm seeing that vlc even gets into images.....) but will not divert into an audio whine/discuss here. FOR PICTURES: I don't know you, for example, Lexi who just posted/replied re: fotoxx, but I really dug your DIY-brain story, building from source, = how we/dinosaurs used to do stuff until it got harder over decades :) Back to PICS/IMAGES pursuits in detail, fotoxx seems to be a viewer (mostly?) for a personal stash/giant-or-smaller-album. Can it auto-or-manually tweak/compress jpg's to save space without losing much quality? (I'm gimp-ignorant...gimp probably does, it's obviously a tweaker not viewer? tool, i.e. ...one image at a time. Tangent or not: I hated myself for continuing to use a windows program (ACDsee, i bought a license decades ago, back when you could buy a cheap license) ...........which very quickly cropped+downsized images greatly like 5-10x smaller. Being MB-stingy,.I got into the habit of trimming saved-pics. Until I admitted it was too much work, cuz i never learned to trim easily on linux ... Hated myself cuz I'm almost done w windozeMS but for 1 or 2 things! (last to die in my world, win7 for me == important for tax-filing software. Well, i rambled too much. Welcoming more pics/images/fotoxx feedback though. I'm gonna dig into fotoxxx pretty soon i think. Since there's no recording of this week's meeting, maybe we can be a bit noiser on the list this month! -- doug On Fri, Oct 14, 2022 at 12:55 PM Tim Keller via WLUG <wlug@lists.wlug.org> wrote:
I'd like to apologize for the online meeting failure last night.
Going forward our Jitsi game is going to have to be upped a bit. To this end, I'm putting together a wlug "go-bag" that'll have a tripod, a dedicated camera/mic and a laptop to run the whole shabang. Along with that I'm going to toss in a whole bevy of "X to HDMI" adapters as well as our own nice long HDMI cables, etc.
This will eliminate delays in dealing with the student center, allow for seamless virtual meetings, and properly record them to put up on the youtube channel.
Thanks for your understanding, Tim.
On Fri, Oct 14, 2022 at 10:52 AM Keith Wright via WLUG < wlug@lists.wlug.org> wrote:
Patrick McEvilly via WLUG <wlug@lists.wlug.org> writes:
We lost the room on the web call. Will you guys be back on tonight?
Right. That didn't work well. I was on jitsi within minutes of 7pm. At first I thought I had technical problems because I couldn't see or hear anybody. A few minutes and a few named rectangles showed up, including the all important "WLUG Meeting".
But the guest speaker was not there. It was noisy and hard to hear anyone who was not near the mike. Around 7:30 there was talk of booting from a flash drive and then "WLUG Meeting" vanished. There were three of us left, me and two rectangles named jstone and PMcEvilly. We talked a bit about our computers, but didn't really have much to say. At 8pm the computer that runs ntpd (NetTimePro) said it was time to move along.
This is not a gripe, it's a bug report. Jitsi actually seemed to work better from the public library. This is a bit frightening. WPI has been teaching over video chat for years. We did video chat meetings with the equipment in the student center back in the Andy Stewart days.
Patrick McEvilly via WLUG <wlug@lists.wlug.org> writes:
Will you guys be back on tonight?
I'm not sure what to make of that question. WLUG meetings are traditionally 1/month. On the other hand, I think the jitsi room is open all the time.
-- Keith, Programmer in Chief, http://www.free-comp-shop.com/
_______________________________________________ WLUG mailing list -- wlug@lists.wlug.org To unsubscribe send an email to wlug-leave@lists.wlug.org Create Account: https://wlug.mailman3.com/accounts/signup/ Change Settings: https://wlug.mailman3.com/postorius/lists/wlug.lists.wlug.org/ Web Forum/Archive: https://wlug.mailman3.com/hyperkitty/list/wlug@lists.wlug.org/message/F2QEQ7...
-- I am leery of the allegiances of any politician who refers to their constituents as "consumers". _______________________________________________ WLUG mailing list -- wlug@lists.wlug.org To unsubscribe send an email to wlug-leave@lists.wlug.org Create Account: https://wlug.mailman3.com/accounts/signup/ Change Settings: https://wlug.mailman3.com/postorius/lists/wlug.lists.wlug.org/ Web Forum/Archive: https://wlug.mailman3.com/hyperkitty/list/wlug@lists.wlug.org/message/XGCFNX...

But wait, Tim! I want /my/ turn to apologize, too! My training as a physicist demands a /full/ analysis - and hopefully, /one or more potential solutions/. :-) Jill and I had planned to present the wonders of Fotoxx from our home in Natick, where a big TV screen and the Internet are readily available. About 5:30PM, Jill had mostly prepared our dinner and was about to slide it into the microwave oven. I was checking for late-afternoon e-mail, and read this short message (sent 5:05PM, but who's counting?): "See you there tonight, in person!" What say? /In person? /Well, there's just about time to do that... I ran down to the kitchen to consult with The Boss, and we decided to Go For It. I e-mailed back (sent 5:43PM, but who's counting?): "CU there! Have computer, will travel." Jill disassembled our dinner, as I assembled trusty Dicknote (my laptop) and a few accessories, chucked them into a shoulder bag, and we were off - into unusually thick 6PM stop-and-go traffic. That's when it started raining hard; almost the entire trip was tense driving. We arrived about 7PM, knowing where the meeting was but not where we were to park the car. We eventually parked in a big garage and, as person after person referred us onward, found a nice young lady who sketched us a map of our hike-to-be through the rainy WPI quadrangle and -- well, we arrived somewhat later than any of us had expected. Not good, but we /were/ there. We quickly set up for our Fotoxx demo. That's when I discovered that my laptop accessories did /not/ include /a critical HDMI adapter for Dicknote's display port/. My goof - in a hurry and under pressure, but my goof. With WLUG's help, we found an alternate adapter that failed to work, tried a loaned laptop with a hard-for-me-to-handle different GUI, tried running my favorite */Ubuntu-Unity 22.04 LTS/* <https://ubuntuunity.org/> in that laptop's RAM (booting from my */Ventoy thumb drive/* <https://www.ventoy.net/en/index.html>), and finally gave up. I ran the rest of the presentation from Dicknote, without my normal link to the room's big screen, to the Internet, and to so many of you. Folks in the room sat close by, looked over my shoulder, and tried Fotoxx themselves as, with frazzled nerves, I presented about half of what I'd intended. And that, said the physicist, is /why/ we were online so very briefly. *The Physicist's Phyx:**A check list*, printed on paper but as if carved into stone, for the items to be In The Bag for talks: /Dicknote, appropriate power supply, Ventoy thumb drive w/appropriate demo software aboard, at least one //*Display Port to HDMI Adapter <https://www.ebay.com/itm/133428969803>*//. Long HDMI cable, Tux penguin and other interesting goodies optional. A dime for phone call home, and an emergency parachute. Keep copies of said check list in carrying bag, in wallet, and in head. Keep the computer version of same, and copy it into each appropriate calendar entry./ Carrying case closed! Sorry about that! "The Kingdom was lost, all for the want of a two-penny nail!" Well, what with the falling dubloon, about $2 today. We sell these mighty HP EliteBook laptops (14" 2560x1440 display, Core i7 CPU, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD and more, plus power supply /and that critical //Display Port adapter)/ populated with Ubuntu-Unity's Linux OS and vast amounts of FOSS with more on tap) all for about $700. So, /we stock that display port-to-HDMI adapter/; had we stayed home (he said, ruefully), all would have gone well. Well, we did enjoy meeting some of you, but... For*second prize*, I offer you these: 1. You can read a detailed description of Fotoxx and download various flavors of the latest Fotoxx 22.35 from Mike Cornelison's home base <https://kornelix.net/fotoxx/fotoxx.html>. 2. From within that Fotoxx article, I recommend downloading the appropriate /appimage/ package. Right-click on it, click on Properties > Permissions and click to check the box to make it executable. Close that window, double-click the appimage icon, wait a minute, and you'll have Fotoxx up and running in RAM - even after a Suspend, until you Close it or power down! You can try out Fotoxx and, when/if you wish, double-click its Install Fotoxx icon to add it to your computer's riches (from which it will load quite quickly). 3. You'll have its copious Help documentation aboard (even with the in-RAM version) and, in any Fotoxx operation, you can tap the F1 key to get specific documentation on /that/ operation. I think most of you can adjust its settings to find YOUR Pictures folder, etc. 4. Several of you already have reported early success and interest, and I welcome such messages. 5. Think you're getting good at the many instant capabilities of Fotoxx? Then you're ready to try *my challenge*. Starting with this unpromisingsmartphone through-the-windshield sunset grab shot: Fotoxx enabled me to quickly and accurately convert it into this (rather like our WPI drive might have been): If you choose to accept this challenge, upon your request I'll e-mail you the smartphone's full-sized (4160x2340x8) grab shot. Last, but not least, *Mike Cornelison's own 54-min. Fotoxx Demo And Tutorial <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5Kwnr4TrwM>* will reveal far, far more of its wonders than I did in twice that time. Gentlemen, start your Fotoxxen! Cheers from --Dick Miller, Partner, MMS <TheMillers@millermicro.com> Co-Leader, FOSS User Group in Natick (NatickFOSS.org) <http://millermicro.com/FOSSUserGroupNatick.html> <-Click here to learn about our VIRTUAL MEETINGS, join, or view later! -- *| A. Richard & Jill A. Miller | MILLER MICROCOMPUTER SERVICES | | Mailto:TheMillers@millermicro.com | 61 Lake Shore Road | | Web: http://www.millermicro.com/ | Natick, MA 01760-2099, USA | | Voice: 508/653-6136, 9AM-9PM -0400(EDT)| NMEA N 42.29993°, W 71.36558° |* Sent from an awesome, inexpensive, non-proprietary <https://www.gnu.org/proprietary/>, no-lock-in, no-bloatware, virus-resistant, free open-source software, /Linux/ <http://NatickFOSS.org/> PC - with /Ubuntu-Unity 22.04.1 LTS/ <https://ubuntuunity.org> and /Fotoxx 22.35/ <http://www.kornelix.net/fotoxx/fotoxx.html> making the most of the tiny camera within a Samsung Galaxy A53 5G smartphone <https://www.androidauthority.com/samsung-galaxy-a53-5g-review-3149923/>. On 10/14/22 12:55, Tim Keller wrote:
I'd like to apologize for the online meeting failure last night.
Going forward our Jitsi game is going to have to be upped a bit. To this end, I'm putting together a wlug "go-bag" that'll have a tripod, a dedicated camera/mic and a laptop to run the whole shabang. Along with that I'm going to toss in a whole bevy of "X to HDMI" adapters as well as our own nice long HDMI cables, etc.
This will eliminate delays in dealing with the student center, allow for seamless virtual meetings, and properly record them to put up on the youtube channel.
Thanks for your understanding, Tim.
On Fri, Oct 14, 2022 at 10:52 AM Keith Wright via WLUG <wlug@lists.wlug.org> wrote:
Patrick McEvilly via WLUG <wlug@lists.wlug.org> writes:
> We lost the room on the web call. Will you guys be back on tonight?
Right. That didn't work well. I was on jitsi within minutes of 7pm. At first I thought I had technical problems because I couldn't see or hear anybody. A few minutes and a few named rectangles showed up, including the all important "WLUG Meeting".
But the guest speaker was not there. It was noisy and hard to hear anyone who was not near the mike. Around 7:30 there was talk of booting from a flash drive and then "WLUG Meeting" vanished. There were three of us left, me and two rectangles named jstone and PMcEvilly. We talked a bit about our computers, but didn't really have much to say. At 8pm the computer that runs ntpd (NetTimePro) said it was time to move along.
This is not a gripe, it's a bug report. Jitsi actually seemed to work better from the public library. This is a bit frightening. WPI has been teaching over video chat for years. We did video chat meetings with the equipment in the student center back in the Andy Stewart days.
Patrick McEvilly via WLUG <wlug@lists.wlug.org> writes:
> Will you guys be back on tonight?
I'm not sure what to make of that question. WLUG meetings are traditionally 1/month. On the other hand, I think the jitsi room is open all the time.
-- Keith, Programmer in Chief, http://www.free-comp-shop.com/
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-- I am leery of the allegiances of any politician who refers to their constituents as "consumers".
participants (7)
Dick Miller
Doug Mildram
John Stoffel
Keith Wright
Lexi Haley
Patrick McEvilly
Tim Keller