Since there seems to be a decent bit of interest in this script, I'll post when my release version 0.2 today. For anyone who is interested check out http://gforge.maxslack.com/projects/cupsacct/. It's my personal project site and I have put up the first release. I'll be releasing the files here so it's the best way to get them. Not all the components of the project site are working yet (mostly web based CVS) but you can download the release tarball if you are interested. Also note that this script is still heavily modified for specific use in the ECE databases. I'm working on changing it so that it will be more universal and include sql to create the database and tables. Chuck On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 13:14:59 -0500, Rob Taylor <rob.taylor@earthlink.net> wrote:
I'd be rather interested in (any) details about this and the SNMP part in particular if/when You have a chance ! Sounds like a pretty nifty integration.
Thanks, Rob.Taylor@earthlink.net
Message: 6 Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2005 10:46:06 -0500 From: Chuck Haines <chaines@gmail.com> Subject: Re: [Wlug] Cups help To: Robert L Krawitz <rlk@alum.mit.edu> Cc: wlug@mail.wlug.org Message-ID: <a663f660050330074617e32767@mail.gmail.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Thanks to everyone's help, but I've figured out the backend stuff and written my own perl script that does the accounting using mysql. It's actually really neat and incredibly easy to use. I'm in the process of refinining it a bit now and if anyone is interested in it, I'd be more than happy to send it your way. It uses snmp to query the pages from the printer so it actually determines the number of pages printer and not just how many should have printed.
-- Chuck Haines chaines@gmail.com http://www.maxslack.com ------------------------------------------- Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity TKE-ZM Web Coordinator ECE Systems Administrator ------------------------------------------- AIM: CyberGrex YIM: CyberGrex_27 ICQ: 3707881 ------------------------------------------- GPG Fingerprint: 303A AB50 4EA9 70ED 2E30 2368 C9CD CCB5 4BD7 0989 GPG Key: http://www.maxslack.com/gpgkey.txt
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Chuck Haines