[JOB] Red Hat Linux System Administrator Contractor Services.

I apologize if this content is not accepted on the list. Scope: Weekly Red Hat Patch Management Server Maintenance Emergency Support Configure New Email fail-over system. Location of Servers: North East Data Vault (NEDV), Marlborough, Massachusetts Company: Location, Inc. Requirement: Any respondent to this Proposal Request must have at least two experienced Red Hat Linux System Administrators to provide back-up coverage for each other. Location, Inc. is actively seeking Red Hat Linux System Administrator Services to perform: 1. Weekly patch management updates for the Company's five servers located at NEDV in Marlborough, Massachusetts. The servers are currently configured with Linux Red Hat Enterprise. The System Administrator will perform updates through the Red Hat Network (http://www.redhat.com/software/rhn/). <http://www.redhat.com/software/rhn/). > The System Administrator will alert Company when upgrades or critical patches to Company's operating systems or layered products become available. Based on the System Administrator's knowledge of the stability, necessity, and/or practicability of the upgrade, System Administrator will offer recommendations via email that may benefit Company's systems. Upgrades and patches will be performed weekly upon Company's acknowledgment and acceptance of the System Administrator's recommendation to proceed. The System Administrator will follow up with a confirmation email indicating successful deployment. Occasional (every other month) on-site inspection of server stack is required (red lights blinking, cords secure, etc.). Network Administrator Time budget for Weekly Patch Management: 2 hours/month@$x/hrs = Total monthly for Patch Management: $ 2. Technical Support Services. Company will have access to System Administrator's technical support staff via a single 24x7 phone number. An email address will also be provided for routine, scheduled and emergency technical support requests. Technical Support Services will be provided on an "as-needed" on-call basis. Standard Scheduled Support Requests $x/hr Emergency Support Requests Normal working hours (Mon - Fri; __am - __pm) $x/hr Scheduled Off Hours $x/hr Company would prefer Emergency response time on the order of one hour. Acknowledgment of response request in 15 minutes. 3. Email fail-over. Company currently has a single email server, and needs to have an Email fail-over system implemented to provide Company with the ability to switch over and continue to send and receive emails to customers and other parties in the event that the email server fails to operate at any time. This Email fail-over system implementation is a one-time project. TO RESPOND: Kindly submit your bid for this work by simply filling in this RFP with your specific rates. For the email fail-over project portion, please provide a breakout of costs and detailed scope for implementation. Specify emergency response time to which your firm can commit. Include resumes for the primary and back-up Red Hat System Administrators that would be actively managing our servers, billing terms, and contact information for 2 references that are current Linux support clients of yours. Send Proposals to: aschiller@locationinc.com and sscott@locationinc.com Questions? (401) 766-3227
participants (1)
Shannon Scott