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Subject: [Wlug] Reminder: Upcoming meeting Wed. March 26th 7 PM Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2003 21:49:21 -0500 From: Andy Stewart <andystewart@attbi.com> To: "Worcester Linux Users' Group" <wlug@mail.wlug.org> CC: officers@wpila.org
Hi Everybody,
I'm sending out this reminder early in the hope that we'll have alot of people coming to this WLUG meeting. At this meeting, our guest speaker will be Jon 'maddog' Hall. maddog is the executive director of Linux International and a great speaker. He has spoken at two (or three?) previous WLUG meeting and we're happy to have him back again.
The meeting will be held in Kinnicutt Hall on the WPI campus in Worcester, MA (the usual place). If you need directions, they can be found on the WLUG website. Light refreshments will be served, and I'll bring a couple of items for the free (as in beer) raffle.
After the meeting, we'll go out for pizza and beer at the Boynton Restaurant.
Please pass the word around to all of your Linux friends!
-- Andy Stewart, Founder Worcester Linux Users' Group Worcester, MA USA http://www.wlug.org
Subject: [Wlug] Upcoming meeting activities - ideas needed Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2003 22:00:46 -0500 From: Andy Stewart <andystewart@attbi.com> To: "Worcester Linux Users' Group" <wlug@mail.wlug.org>
Hi everybody,
I'm starting to plan for the next two or three WLUG meetings. I wanted to have them planned in advance, as I did with the first few meetings of the year 2003.
Here's a summary of what we did (or tried to do):
Jan 03 - Handhelds and Linux with Wes Allen's IPAQ (good meeting!) Feb 03 - LAN Party (not well attended, unfortunately) Mar 03 - maddog speaks to WLUG
Can somebody tell me why the LAN party was not well attended? I'd like to plan meetings that you folks *want* to attend. :-)
I hope to schedule activities for the April, May, and June meetings.
Here are some ideas which I've culled from past e-mails on this subject:
o security / ip tables meeting / firewalls (should we ask Bob Ziegler to return?)
o printer drivers, namely gimp-print or foomatic
If you have other ideas, or if you would like to volunteer to give a talk, please let me (or the list) know.
Andy -- Andy Stewart, Founder Worcester Linux Users' Group Worcester, MA USA http://www.wlug.org
Andy, I would like to hear about such topics as: getting Apache up and running (I'm trying that now) GPG (GNU Privacy Guard) what is LDAP good for? Al Butler
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