Being a trusting fellow and having faith in Tux magazine in particular, I decided to spend $60 on Xandros 4 Desktop Linux, based on a review in the Septmeber issue.
From the review it appeared that Xandros was like a better version of Freespire/Linspire: even more useful software like RealPlayer out of the box, better documentation and support, and at least as easy to ise. Whatever software wasn't included directly in the distro, I figured, would be available with one or two clicks from Xandros networks- or at least from Debian.
Problem is, there seems to be very little software available from Xandros networks (maybe 50 packages), and my 4 year old daughter's favorite software gcompris is not available. (By the way, she's going to get her own computer soon, and she says she would never run Windows, only Linux.) Xandros warns you against selecting any other repository other than their own, yet I (recklessly?)selected the "unsupprted debian site" as a second repository- but with no luck - still no gcompris and few choices. I wonder if I'm doing something wrong. Any ideas ? (Thanks in advance. You guys are great!) -Dr. Andrew B. Perry Assistant Prof. of Mathematics, Springfield College 263 Alden St., Springfield MA 01109 Work Phone (413)748-3193

Andrew Perry wrote:
Xandros warns you against selecting any other repository other than their own, yet I (recklessly?)selected the "unsupprted debian site" as a second repository- but with no luck - still no gcompris and few choices. I wonder if I'm doing something wrong.
Did you update your list after adding another repository? I don't know Xandros, but in Debian, it would be 'apt-get update'. If you're using a graphical package manager, such as Synaptic, there should be a button or menu choice to update (not to be confused with 'upgrade') Greg
participants (2)
Andrew Perry
Gregory Avedissian