Reminder! Meeting tonight! Topic: demo and then general discussion at 7PM!

Hey Gang, We've got a meeting tonight at 7PM! It's still virtual because you know, the pandemic. Hopefully in the future we'll be able to stand 6' apart from each other and hang out! But until then, there's Jitsi! We'll be meeting here: at 7PM! We'll likely jibber jab until it's late.. My neighbors house may or may not catch on fire again! I'm going to show off Min.IO running in a docker container. I can show the web interface and then we'll stick some objects in the container. I know that several other WLUG members are also using it in production so it'll be interesting to get their take on it as well. Then I suspect we'll end up talking about all things nerdy! See you! Tim. -- I am leery of the allegiances of any politician who refers to their constituents as "consumers".
participants (1)
Tim Keller