Help!! My SUN ULTRA ONE has stopped altogether. It had turned itself off a month or so ago. When I hit the ON switch the little green light came on for a moment then went off. I figured a fan or something of that nature had died. Today I got ready to work on it. Now nothing happens. Absolutely nothing when I push the ON switch. I have a running spare ULTRA ONE for parts. I suppose I have to start by swapping the power supplies, but I was hoping you guys would tell me about a fuse - or something. Ken Jones (Fitchburg) E-mail message checked by Spyware Doctor ( Database version: 6.14790 http://www.pctools.com/en/spyware-doctor-antivirus/

On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 4:34 PM, Ken Jones <kjones@ziplink.net> wrote:
My SUN ULTRA ONE has stopped altogether.
It had turned itself off a month or so ago. When I hit the ON switch the little green light came on for a moment then went off. I figured a fan or something of that nature had died.
Today I got ready to work on it. Now nothing happens. Absolutely nothing when I push the ON switch.
I have a running spare ULTRA ONE for parts. I suppose I have to start by swapping the power supplies, but I was hoping you guys would tell me about a fuse - or something.
It sounds like the power supply to me, but the Apple PowerMacs had a bit of circuitry behind the power button that introduced another potential failure point. Maybe your Sun has something like that that you could check, first? -- Rich

Ken> My SUN ULTRA ONE has stopped altogether. Scrap it. Have you looked at the prices people want on ebay for parts? Ken> It had turned itself off a month or so ago. When I hit the ON Ken> switch the little green light came on for a moment then went off. Ken> I figured a fan or something of that nature had died. Pull the cover and check the CPU fan to make sure it spins. They had an early history of dying, but all my experience is 10+ years old in terms of working on the,/ Ken> Today I got ready to work on it. Now nothing happens. Ken> Absolutely nothing when I push the ON switch. Pull the cover, what do you see? Did you blow out all the dust? Look for a fuse as well in the PS, though it might be buried. Ken> I have a running spare ULTRA ONE for parts. I suppose I have to Ken> start by swapping the power supplies, but I was hoping you guys Ken> would tell me about a fuse - or something. I'd probably just swap the power supplies first, then once I had the old one out, I'd look for a fuse. I honestly don't recall it being user serviceable though. It was probably pretty buried inside. But in any case, for the power and cost, you can do much better today. John

So Ken, What did you end up doing with your Ultra 1? John
participants (3)
John Stoffel
Ken Jones
Richard Klein