Re: [Wlug] Re: Configuring Linux laptop for cable modem access???

On Thu, Dec 13, 2001 at 10:27:01AM -0500, Gerrald Smith wrote:
I am a novice with Linux. How do you and where do you configure the interface? I looked in my directory for internet config files and I could not find anything.
the easiest way would be to run linuxconf or netcfg and go through the GUI. the short version would be to go into /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts and edit ifcfg-eth0. Change the "bootproto" line to be "dhcp" instead of "none" (assuming it's configured statically at the moment.) The RedHat documentation has information on this. If you don't have the manual (I forget if there's an electronic version on the RH CDs), you can look at them from the RedHat site. Specifically: You may also be interested in the Cable Modem How-to: -- Randomly Generated Tagline: "My spleen is twice the size of a normal human spleen. This isn't such a big deal right now, but after I'm dead ... There's going to be a bidding war." - Dave Foley, Kids in the Hall
participants (1)
Theo Van Dinter