Re: [Wlug] Please attend this Wednesday's WLUG, and bring your friends

Doug, Thanks for the talk tonight. I had mentioned to you a tool named Ant. I figured I'd follow up and give you some more info. Ant can be found at: As I had mentioned Ant has some similarities to 'make'. Here is an example of an build.xml file that can perform an XML Transformation. <project default="transform"> <target name="init"> <input message="Input XML: " addproperty="input"/> <input message="Output XML: " addproperty="output"/> <input message="Style: " addproperty="style"/> </target> <target name="transform" depends="init"> <echo message="Transforming ${input} to ${output} with ${style}"/> <xslt style="${style}" in="${input}" out="${output}"/> </target> </project> Hope that is useful. Cheers, Mike <quote who="">
Hi All:
Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm working hard to make my preso at this Wednesday's WLUG meeting (October 11) interesting, informative, innovative. Something different, without being annoying.
Bring any of your friends that might be interested in data visualization, web design, XML, SVG, etc.
During the preso, interrupt me with questions as much as you want, and make a mental note where my presentation isn't clear or drags. I'm hoping to get as much feedback as possible so that the next time I present this topic it will be better.
Thanks, Doug_______________________________________________ Wlug mailing list
-- They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security --Ben Franklin

Thanks for the talk tonight. I had mentioned to you a tool named Ant. I figured I'd follow up and give you some more info.
Ant can be found at:
For any mono/.NET developers, there is NAnt, which is very similar to Ant.
participants (2)
Joe Riopel