Ok, this is going to read more like a detective novel... :-) I'm using mutt in a gnome-terminal on fedora core 3, and I'm up to date (within a week) with updates. I find that, with the defaults, the terminal does not refresh when it needs to. A ctrl-L repaints the window just fine. I did (just now!) find a fix... Right clicking on the terminal -> Input methods and select "X input method"... Everything works fine, except this setting is not persistent. The setting affects all gnome terminals and new ones opened. However, if I first close all terminals and start a new one, the setting is lost. So, how to make the fix stick? I have no idea, but I did find this info on the subject: http://www.webservertalk.com/archive204-2004-9-379265.html This gives a link to a new terminfo file which you can use to fix the problem, and a nice way to install it without editing the distro-supplied file. Thus far it works fine. Bill
participants (1)
Bill Mills-Curran