I was going to write a real response to this thread extolling the (relative) virtues of android, a platform which, while often locked down by the carriers selling the phones, such as Verizon stripping out the native tethering feature, has the advantage of starting off as an open platform - and if you really want one, you can buy a nexus at full price with no carrier contract at all. I intended to talk about things like how android being open source has allowed for K-9, a client of the native email client with tons of improvements, or how with a simple "I know what I'm doing" settings change you can trivially install apps off of any arbitrary web site, removing the app store as an ultimate arbiter of what you can run on your phone. But then, Saint Steve summed it all up in this beautiful quote, taken here from http://news.cnet.com/8301-17852_3-20002922-71.html "Folks who want porn can buy and (sic) Android phone." I really couldn't have said it better myself. -- Frank Sweetser fs at wpi.edu | For every problem, there is a solution that WPI Senior Network Engineer | is simple, elegant, and wrong. - HL Mencken GPG fingerprint = 6174 1257 129E 0D21 D8D4 E8A3 8E39 29E3 E2E8 8CEC