Mike> A) I was curious if anyone is or has use(d) the truecrypt file Mike> system (truecrypt.org). If so do you have any recommendations or Mike> possible alternatives. I am thinking of using truecrypt for a Mike> partition on a USB thumb drive. I'm using it on a pair of thumbdrives on a laptop running WinXP. Haven't actually set it up under Linux yet. This was mostly to keep personal data private. So far, I've been happy with it, though I admit I don't use it all that much really. Mostly when travelling really. Mike> B) Backups -- Giving finite resources/knowledge what software do Mike> people use to do full backups? Simple is better. And drive Mike> images are an option. I'm actually proxying this question for Mike> someone not on this list. I find bacula to be pretty good for this. It will do DVDs, disks, tape as the backup media. It will even build rescue disks for system restores as well. Though that needs more testing. http://www.bacula.org