Hi all, I'm new at this Linux thing and have a few questions about some servers I'm setting up. We have 2 dedicated servers which we have complete control over. One server is our production server (I'll call this server 'P') used to host our online games (AllinPlay.com), the other is for development, testing, email, etc (I'll call this server 'D'). These are physically seperate machines. Here's how I'd like to set them up: * Server 'P' is only used for hosting the games. It has the FQDN "AllinPlay.com" * Server 'D' only has an IP (no FQDN). - I'd like 'D' to be accessable via a subdomain such as: devel.allinplay.com - I'd like 'D' to handle all the mail for the allinplay.com domain. Users will get the mail from 'D' via a client such as Thunderbird So my confustion comes in as to how to set the DNS/MX/A/AAA records. If anyone can shed some light on this I'd be very greatful! Thanx! Michael Z