Hey Everybody! We've got a meeting tonight! Time: 7pm Date: February 8th, 2024 Location: Technocopia, 44 Portland St. Worcester MA Virtual Location: https://meet.jit.si/WlugMA For a topics, We've got two. Topic #1: Turing Pi 2 hardware Wlug member Zori Babroudi recently bought a Turning Pi 2 and a bunch of Pi and Rocks compute modules. Currently, it's a work in progress, but eventually once things are totally working on it, I'd like to show it off in its full glory. But in the meantime, we can marvel at the hardware. Ultimately, the plan is to run k8s on it and do some LLM based AI stuff as well. Topic #2: ProxMox With BroadCom's purchase and destruction of VMware, many of us are scrambling to look for alternatives to VMware Esxi. One great contender is ProxMox. It's a debian based distro that's focused on providing a great interface to manage vms running on kvm. It also has great support for video card pass through (something I know Brandon is *very* interested in). I've got a 3 node proxmox cluster that I will show off. John Stoffel has also been experimenting with it as well so both of us can talk about the good/bad/ugly of it. As usual, the conversation will be lively and focused around linux, FOSS, fair use and who knows what! Afterwards we'll head off for some dinner and keep the conversation going! I hope to see you there! Later, Tim. -- I am leery of the allegiances of any politician who refers to their constituents as "consumers".