Frank> John Stoffel wrote:
Anyone on here using Charter Telephone VOIP service? I've currently got Verizon, but the wife hates it because our phone lines get flaky all the time, esp when it rains.
Frank> I use Charter VoIP server at home. Basically, unless you Frank> looked at where the wires ran or peeked at the bill, you'd Frank> never know that it wasn't a regular phone. Cool. Do you have also have Charter's high speed internet? I've got that currently and I run m0n0wall (http://m0n0.ch) as my firewall. So I've been surfing voip.com, vonage.com, voicepulse.com and other sites looking for any issues I need to think about. Mostly, as long at the phone doesn't annoy my wife, she won't care about it. :] Frank> There is one caveat with any VoIP service, which is that you Frank> need local battery backup for the equipment in your house. The Frank> VoIP box Charter provides includes a battery with (IIRC) about Frank> 8 hours standby or 3 hours talk time, but it's not a bad idea Frank> to back that up with a larger UPS. I've got a UPS at home and I guess I could run an extension cord from where the phone stuff would be to that location. Wouldn't be a problem... Thanks for the suggestion. John