Nov. 10, 2016
5:15 p.m.
Eric Martin <eric.joshua.martin@gmail.com> writes:
*What do I need to do beforehand* Before the party, please email me your *FULL* PGP KeyID (gpg --fingerprint ${EMAIL} )
gpg --fingerprint ejmartin2@wpi.edu
~$ gpg --fingerprint kwright@keithdiane.us pub 2048R/43EEB150 2016-11-10 [expires: 2018-11-10] Key fingerprint = 20F6 F975 6C31 26BD 5C41 87CC 489D F3D6 43EE B150 uid Keith Wright (Fridley MN, PhD Pitt'89) <kwright@keithdiane.us> sub 2048R/E79BAB29 2016-11-10 [expires: 2018-11-10]
Please also send your key to
~$ gpg --list-secret-keys | grep ^sec sec 2048R/43EEB150 2016-11-10 [expires: 2018-11-10] ...hope that's what you wanted. -- Keith