From: Brian Waite <linwoes@gmail.com>
Hi all, I wanted to intorduce myself. I have been on the LUG list now for over a year, but 2 kids 22 mo and 5 mo old have kept me away from metings.
Hi, I have been coming to meetings erratically for years. I've been missing a lot, but that is due to personal issues on particular days, not a lack of interest.
I am by no means a speaker although I have given a presentation at conferences and a LUG.
I don't mean to insult past speakers, but don't let them scare you. The bar is not that high. We are not looking for Martin Luther King or Steve Jobs to sell us a dream. If you can stand in front of a dozen people and tell us about what you know without breaking down and leaking, you qualify.
I know there is a constant call for topics. I was wondering if anyone was interested in one of the following 3 topics:
1) Linux Development on the Nokia 770. I have had one for a few months now and know quite a bit about it and the state of affairs. 2) Hacking NAS storage with the Kurobox (www.kurobox.com) An very interesting device with a sordid history 3) VERY tentitive. Developing Robotic applications on Linux for the iRobot Create. I should be able to get my hands on one of these along with some example code and show the capabilities of the iRobot Create (http://www.irobot.com/create).
I could also combine 1 and 2 and talk of the general aspects of embedded Linux development. I have been active in this field for about 6 years now.
Any takers?
Yes. I might even be able to show up. I suggest combining it all in a talk called "Getting off the Pentium" or something like that. You can always follow up with more specifics. Like "Running the Kurobox-770 Cross Compiler". I don't know what a Nokia-770 (a hanbdheld device?), nor what NAS Storage (Network Access, redundant S?), nor iRobot (Apple/Asimov ripoff by LEGO?) is, so I am bound to learn something no matter what you say about them. -- Keith