Can you please clarify the date? Subject: Re: [WLUG] Next WLUG Meeting March 21st 2019, Topic: TBD
We've got a WLUG meeting on the 14th of March
Thanks. On Sat, Mar 09, 2019 at 09:53:33PM -0500, Tim Keller via WLUG wrote:
Hey Gang,
We've got a WLUG meeting on the 14th of March Location: WPI Student Center Mid Century Room (rm 331) Time: 7pm
I've got a couple ideas for topics.
1. Snaps / flatpacks / appimage. These are entirely encapsulated applications that'll run on a variety of linux distributions. My new laptop runs snaps using snapd. This is just one of a bunch of new technologies for distributing software without having it tied to the machines glibc and underlying libraries.
2. Microsoft and its complicated relationship with the OSS community. Are we moving towards a dystopian future of locked and signed bootloaders? Where your only option is to run Windows 10 with the linux subsystem. Has google essentially done the same thing with Chromebook's and ChromeOS and Android?
If someone has a topic that they're dying to do, let me know.
As usual refreshments and snacks will be provided and afterwards we'll head off for dinner to continue the conversation.
Thanks, Tim.