Feb. 13, 2002
4:55 a.m.
begin luke macneil quotation:
[-- Autoview using /usr/bin/lynx -dump -force_html ''/tmp/mutt.html'' --]
/etc/rc.d/rc.local is almost the equivalent to autoexec.bat in dos. at your "mount -t msdos /dev/hd? /mnt/windows" line at the bottom of rc.local, and after all the startup processes are initialized, that file will run all commands at the bottom.
The file is written in code, but dont worry about that, just scroll
assuming you call shell scripting code...
down to the end, and add your command.
I'd definitely recommend -t vfat over -t msdos, and /etc/fstab over /etc/rc* -- Aaron Haviland orion [at] tribble [dot] dyndns [dot] org orion [at] parsed [dot] net This IS a sig.