On 8/16/07, Eric Martin <freak4uxxx@gmail.com> wrote:
I found this on either digg or slashdot. It's a really good article and I agree with most of it. People won't even consider GNU/Linux while they can still get a copy of XP for free from a buddy.
I think that's kind of silly, they won't consider Linux because it doesn't run *foo*. Not because they can get windows for "free." The people who would actually want a pirated copy of windows, system builders, nerds, *us*, are well-equipped to make that leap or not. The people that FOSS/Linux folks keep pitching too, everyone else, already has a legit copy installed on their new prebuilt, or goes and buys one at Staples. The community as a whole really needs to stop trying to degrade every other choice and extol the virtues of what they've got. You attract more bees with honey. Smear tactics are for politicians. I know some (many?) FOSS advocates are politically motivated but, trust me, that aforementioned everyone else doesn't care. Maybe they should, maybe they shouldn't, but they certainly don't now.
That's why I tell people that I won't support their pirating of software; and pitch FOSS at every turn to them. http://tlug.jp/articles/Windows_Is_Free Give it a read, it might spur some good conversations tonight.
I agree with your stance on piracy but I'd submit that that audience has already made their choice. I suppose I shouldn't really comment because I'm not a politico; I have no larger cause nor ill-will for windows. I use the tool that works for the job at hand. On the other hand, maybe that brings a little subjectivism to the evangelicals. ;) Wish I could've made tonight's meeting. Take care, James